Daughter's Valentines Present


Ultimate Rainbow Pony
Jan 6, 2006
Thought I'd share what I got my daughter for Valentines Day...


Hope I did this right...

The Star Catcher ballon in the background was for my birthday in January and it is still floating around.
Hi, I'm your long-lost daughter... >_>;;

Naw, I'm kidding. Your daughter's lucky, though :D And that's an awesome balloon *_* I still have my Sunny Daze/Rainbow Dash balloons floating around from my birthday a few weeks ago. Those Mylar balloons just never say die!
Cool! She'll love it Maybe you should talk to my mom and convince her ti get me a few ponies for v-day :lol: :wink:
Hey I got Cherry Blossom & a breezie too for Valentines day! (hehe though I got my present early and she is no longer MIB). Two thumbs up for all the great presents, you are a rockin mom ^_^