Despratley Need a Persona


Proud Killjoy Pony
Feb 11, 2006
I guess it's about time I made a persona for myself. Only I really need some help here. So let's see...

I work in {democratic} politics. I was thinking maybe a blue-violet peg or winger with lime green and red hair. My favorite pony is baby licorice and almost any pegasus. I love pirates and egyptian-Islamic culture, also love Willy Wonka {the new Johnny Depp one}, I have willy wonka stuff all over my room. Also adore Faeries, elves and Kitsune-Foxes.

Also, I extensivley collect the Fairy Tail Birds so if anyone is incredibly bored and wants to make a little FT Birds persona just to experiment I would be so grateful, and I really do appreciate all of the help SO MUCH! Everyone here is so nice!
Actually I think I will work on a fairytail bird siggie...that would be more interesting and unique!
man, i would love to help you out, but what i want to make for your persona would have to be hand-drawn! i think a pink pony with fox ears and a fox tail, and a blue and yellow mane would be cute, and the symbol could be willy wonka's hat!

EDIT: or, you could do a indigo peg with green and red hair and this symbol:

EDIT2: i am SO INCREDIBLY JEALOUS that you got to meet john edwards! <3
I made a pony for you... lineart is done by Whippet and The mark is from Diet Otaku.... Coloring is done by me...

But I can´t put it up.... so if you have a e-mail I will send it to you... :wink: I hope you like her....
WOW! :shock:

Just like I said, everyone here is SO SWEET and helpful. What a great community.

First let me say Whippet I am touched and HONORED that you would do the FT bird for me, I was reading through your post last night of all your wonderful custom sigs, I was going to get on your list when you opened it again so I know how busy you are so I am really touched, it is so incredibly sweet of you! I cant wait to see it, and it is a unique idea I am sure it will be gorgeous! You can post it here or e-mail me at

Diet, I love your first idea with the fox ears and the hat! SO CUTE! If you ever want to, you coudl draw her, I dont know what I oculd do for you in exchange but I could find something, and I would adore you forever! Thanks for the great idea, that is so cute! Also, I am still coming to grips with the fact that that's me next to John Edwards!LOL! I worked the Florida Democratic Convention in December of last year and wound up meeting him several times over the course of 3 days, he is one of the sweetest, most endearing people ever.

Canazta! Thank you SO MUCH1 What a cutie-pie! I lvoe her, and will uplaod her tonight! Thanks also to Whippet for her beautiful line-art, to Diet for finding the symbol, and Canazta for the BEAUTIFUL coloring! I so appreciate it! If anyone else has any ideas feel free to share! You guys are WONDERFUL!
the only problem with me drawing your persona is i don't have a scanner, so i'd have no way to get it on the computer. ;p i found that kitsune symbol looking for kitsune lineart i could chop and paste on pony lineart.
Well maybe you could draw her when you have free time, and send her in the mail and I could pay you a little or work out a trade for the artwork, no rush and just an idea but THANK YOU to everyone!
Awww great! Thankies Diet, keep me posted, and I sure do appreciate it!
I like the way she turned out!

Isn't there a purple G3 peg? You should have a custom made of her. Her symbol kind of reminds me of a custom that I'm working on right now...not a fox, different animal, but more shapy, and all black.

If you have a custom of her made, please post pics! I'd love to see her brought to life!
Thanks Angelus! That's sweet of you, I do adore her colors. I definitley do, by all means want a custom of her......I'm trying to sort of add to her personality a little bit and see if I can think of anything to sort of set her apart you know? Maybe I'll give her a veil or something to incorporate my love of Egyptian! The FT Bird will help set her apart to I guess. I have some baity G1's I could maybe use for custom bait, I have several customs in mind lined up now to just find someone to do them!

Thanks for the compliments though, it's very sweet and I will certainly post pics!

If anyone has any other ideas post them by all means, my persona is turning into a group project!LOL! I sure appreciate all the help!
Your pony as a fairytail bird! I personally think a ftb would be the best icon...cause NO ONE ELSE has one!
Whippet, that FT bird is SO COOL! Your artwork is always so awesome.

Diet, I couldn't for the life of me figure out what that symbol was... I thought it was a WHALE!!! But now that I look at it, it does represent a kitsune quite well.
EEEEP! OMG! Whippet she's BEAUTIFUL!

~Is SOOOOOO honored~ :shock:

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I don't even KNOW how to properly thank you! Squeeee! I really do appreciate that someone as busy as you would take time out for a newbie like me! I will rotate my signatures and use both! I honestly do appreciate it so very much! ~Huge pony hugs~ That is the sweetest thing ever! Whippet, I can't draw or do artwork, but I do write poems, if you like you can pm or e-mail a little info on Whippet and her personality, friends and so on and I can write you a poem for her! Sounds silly but it's my show of appreciation!

I want to thank everyone again for being so incredibly kind to me. You have all been an inspiration to me, after thinking long and hard last night I have decided on two personas.

#1. Obscuria- The Blue-Violet peg that Whippet, Diet and Canazta made me. My sort of smart, mysterious side.

#2. Licorice Dust- In honor of Baby Licorice, the pony that Diet described, a sort of bubble-gum fuschia pink earth pony with deep blue and neon yellow hair, fox ears and tail, with Willy Wonka's top hat and cane as a symbol. She's the fun-loving silly one.

How does that sound?

Again, thank you whippet, thank you EVERYONE! ~Pony hugs~