Does anybody know what happened to these toys?

My mum usually did it saying “you have too many cuddly toys. They’re only going in the loft. They’re not far” but it still made me cry because I can’t get to them and they’re gonna miss me and think I don’t love them anymore
When I do go in the loft I see them all and always say hello just so they know I still love them all

I’ve been needing to do that for a long time, find their names

With missing toys, I always worried more about them being found by somebody who is horrible, doesn’t understand who they are or will get renamed them. Renaming scared little kid me the most because I always named all my toys and somehow remembered all of them. Some of them even got cool made up names:lolpony:

I have 6 of Those rubbermaid 50 gallon totes in my garage full of toys and stuff that my girl has outgrown, but still doesn’t want to part with. I have 1 of my own. I also have to giant boxes (one is the one my vacuum came in) that are filled with artwork from since before she turned one to now, and school stuff She wanted to keep.

I did tell her that if she wanted more toys, she needed to put some older ones away, but always her choice. I give her far more control over her own life than most kids her age. Minus the cell phone. She has an iPod that she can text or FaceTime any other apple device with. My family and her best friend use apple.