G4 Hair Fix?


Twice as Fancy
Feb 25, 2014
Hey guys!

I got a Crystal Princess (Masquerade) Pinkie Pie last weekend, and because she doesn't come in a box like the other ponies I've been collecting, I decided to take her out of the package immediately. I was looking forward to playing with her hair, styling it and making it into little plaits, but the instant I took the elastics out of her twisted-up ponytail (excuse the pun), it literally sprang out in every direction. I tried using one of my Bratzillaz's brushes on it (as this version of Pinkie doesn't come with her own comb) but it just made everything worse.

I ended up twisting the lot of it back up and tucking it around her legs to keep it from enveloping her.


This is what happens when I just run my fingers through it a little...


And my Pinkie goes "da-doiiing-doiiing-doiiing~"...

I know Pinkie has crazy hair, but if I wanted an authentic FiM-esque cotton candy puff, I'd style it like that myself. I can't do anything with it in this state, and nothing I do makes it lie flat. It's pretty disappointing. Looking at my other ponies, 8/10 of them have twisted or partly twisted hair, and I can't have them all looking this way when I unbox them.

I've heard about boil washing doll or pony hair to soften it and get it straight, but I don't know exactly how to do it. The tutorials on Youtube don't explain it properly (and I cringe at the idiots who think it's a good idea to use a brush designed to loosen human follicles on a doll's hair, and then proceed to sit for 2 minutes ripping the nylon out of the poor thing's head with it). I also don't have a hair iron (my hair is dead straight and doesn't curl, so I've no need for that kind of thing), and even if I did I wouldn't use it on synthetic hair, so I don't know how to go without it.

Please could someone guide me through this process and give me a few tips on how to make G4 manes and tails look beautiful?
I personally use this guide Cosplay Tutorial when I want to fix synthetic hair :smilepony: I don't use the shampoo to fix it though like it says in the tutorial~
A sink with hot water, a little conditioner, a couple sizes of plastic combs and foam curlers do everything I need them to do. No boiling, curling irons or gel required!

A sink with hot water, a little conditioner, a couple sizes of plastic combs and foam curlers do everything I need them to do. No boiling, curling irons or gel required!

Those are soooooo cute! :ponylove: I'm definitely going to try that.

I've just been a little hesitant about using product in their hair, so I've shied away from the idea of conditioner... I fear that because it's nylon and not actually hair, it won't be absorbed into the fibre and will instead leave behind a thin white film, and then the hair will lose its shine...
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I fear that because it's nylon and not actually hair, it won't be absorbed into the fibre and will instead leave behind a thin white film, and then the hair will lose its shine...

That's the reasoning behind the standard boiled hair perm but as long as you're careful to rinse it's not obvious they've been conditioned at all. You'll know if there's still too much in after they dry- it'll feel noticeably stiff. In that case, back to the sink with ye, horse!