Greetings from Wisconsin


Aug 17, 2015
Hi Everyone, my name is Jodi, and I am from Madison, Wisconsin. I have two favorite ponies, good ol' Glory and sweet Applejack; oldies but goodies. I must have had 40-50 ponies as a child along with the first 4 playlets to come out. Out of that collection, I only have about a dozen left of my ponies and part of the Dream Castle. Have no idea what happened to the rest but I assume my parents had something to do with their disappearance.
What got me into collecting them as an adult was I was going through a very stressful time and wanted to bring back some of my happier childhood memories. I became very involved in bidding and buying on Ebay (I realize that may be a four letter word in these parts). My original plan was to try to buy back the ponies I remember having as a child. Unfortunately for my banking account, I did not stop there. My thought turned to actually collecting and displaying them. That did not pan out, and my collections has since then been sitting in storage.
So now, because all they are doing is sitting in storage, I have decided to put all, but mine from my childhood, back on the market. The strange thing is I have this compelling need to purchase/gather a few more items before I think my collection is completed before putting it out there. Weird, I know.

Looking forward to meeting you all,

Welcome to the Trading Post! I'm Alyx from Missouri. Good luck selling (or buying) some ponies! :D
Hi :) it's nice to meet you.

I got back into ponies for the same reason, to bring back a those happy childhood memories. The need to get more ponies & pony related items isn't weird................. well not around here. Once you start collecting it's so addictive & there always seems to be one more pony to make everything complete.

You're definitely in the right place with the rest of the ponyholics :lolpony:
Hi :) it's nice to meet you.

I got back into ponies for the same reason, to bring back a those happy childhood memories. The need to get more ponies & pony related items isn't weird................. well not around here. Once you start collecting it's so addictive & there always seems to be one more pony to make everything complete.

You're definitely in the right place with the rest of the ponyholics :lolpony:
The addiction is awful. So many late nights on the computer just scanning. Oh well, what are you going to do?
Oh I have no idea, but we could spend hours on the net doing worse stuff than looking longingly at Cherry Treats, Posey or Snowdrop (or spend our money on a worse addiction for that matter)
Greetings and hello's! I am Michelle Lysyk from Calgary, Canada! Take care!
Howdy and welcome! I think you're definitely in the right place to buy or sell. We all are pretty much Pony Hos...
Welcome to the TP! You are my neighbor! (Sort of...) I have just moved to Michigan and drove right through Wisconsin on the way here. (First time I'd been through there.) Good luck with your selling/buying and let us know if you need any help.
Welcome fellow Wisconsinite! The pony collecting bug bit me hard too. I did vow to take a break after the Ponyfair but I still find myself checking out all the sales threads. Happy pony hunting!