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Let me see if someone will take an additional partner! I might be able to find you someone...
Gah! I haven't even gotten to START yet! This was performance weekend for the Alma College Dance Concert and it took up way more of my brain cells that I anticipated... But it's over now! Now I can get back to the IMPORTANT things, like PONY!!! I will start planning my ornaments tonight!
Not started yet.. Yikes!! I have so much going on (good and bad) that I haven't have a time... I must try to start tomorrow :p
Not started yet.. Yikes!! I have so much going on (good and bad) that I haven't have a time... I must try to start tomorrow :p

I will come over and babysit the piggy's so you can get crafty.
You guys are making me look bad! I must get working!
You'd give mah cats back so fast... they are such brats. Plus there's 30 something of them... You need a lotta carriers.

Now my Beth, she is a perfect princess and you would love her muchly.
You'd give mah cats back so fast... they are such brats. Plus there's 30 something of them... You need a lotta carriers.

Now my Beth, she is a perfect princess and you would love her muchly.

Yea after I posted that I remembered that you have one that likes to steal roasts. I am pretty sure I can't handle anymore kitty chaos. So, I guess I will take the goats, but I am not really sure the goats will like me. The first time I find them on my roof, I am gonna fuss.
I'm almost finished. I need to find a box and some extras and I am ready to ship!
Will participants post pictures of their ornaments? I sure would like to see them.
We'll be setting up a page where everyone will show off the ornaments and gifts they receive, my dearest CareBearStare.
I've turned my coffee table into the pony ornament assembly line and my kitty has been very interested in helping, especially with the strings!
Yay for kitties ruining the art project table. Vinny won't let me do anything including sew on the machine because he is a turkey. He feels all elastic his his, any thread, string, yarn and item that sparkles is his. Tufts of fabric, measuring tape, pattern pieces and bobbins are sheer joy for Vinny. I usually have to lock him and his buddy Chloe' in the back of the house to get anything accomplished craft wise.
Hahaha, they're so very helpful and talented, aren't they?
:) all finished :) 2 more little gifts and off to the post office I go!
This is sooooooo exciting :) he he xx
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