Hello Everyone!


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Feb 1, 2015
I am a "seasoned" collector that pretty much kept to the shadows, though I did have a pony meet over 10 years ago in Southern California! Currently I am doing a major downsize to my heard due to:

1. A decision to stay with my grandmother as her health is failing and having limited space.
2. Cleaning out my storage unit because I am rather cranky about spending $200 a month on it.
3. Started up my own crystal & crystal jewelry shop.

I have not been much of a fan of forums and such, but I have been finding myself lingering around a lot the last few days reading posts. Really brings back the feelings of why I started collecting in the first place and really want to join in the community.

So if you have any questions, feel free to ask :)
Greetings and hello's! I am Michelle Lysyk from Calgary, Canada! Cool username! Enjoy the forum!
Welcome to the forum! I'm sorry that you're having to part with some of your collection. I do hope you'll keep at least a few cherished old friends to keep you company!

Make sure to post your jewelry and wares here, maybe you can make a few sales!