Hello everyone!


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
MLPTP Supporter
Mar 21, 2023
Hello fellow pony enthusiasts! What started as collecting my original G1 ponies has turned into full blown herdmania! I recently gifted myself the entire Sparkle Collection for my birthday, some of which probably came from some of you lovely folks! I came into the fold with a wonderful teacher who taught me the ropes and now I'm just galloping independently! I started with cleaning and restyling hair and now I've got reroot visions in my eyes and I'm awaiting some supplies(ha ha, probably also from some of you!) for my maiden rerooting voyage with sweet little Tropical Paradise here. I can't wait!
I've also plunged way in, when on a whim I went on a dream castle search and found an absolutely affordable fixer upper. Soooo many mlp adventures await me. Thanks for having me, everyone! I look forward to sharing our passion together.

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Welcome in! I hope you enjoy your stay!
I can't wait to see how Tropical Paradise turns out! She is one of my favourite flutters!
You’re at a thrilling point in the pony adventure, when there is so much yet to find! I’m excited for you. Welcome in and please do ask questions and share your restoration pics, it’s so fun!
Thank you all so much! I'm pumped! This has been such a rewarding journey. I was stoked to find this forum.
Welcome to the herd!!! Isn't gifting yourself ponies the best?!? LOL every time I treat myself to something I tell my husband, look what a wonderful anniversary/B-day/Xmas gift you got me! When the packages arrive I remind him, he is so lucky I save him all the trouble of shopping for me :rofl: look forward to seeing you around the corral :)