Hello from the Midwest!


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Aug 28, 2014
Hello, everyone! I am new here, and I collect G3 ponies. Well, I'm not really collecting at the moment, but I do have a collection.
My friend has gotten me addicted to the Friendship is Magic TV series, but I don't have any ponies from it. My whole collection is pretty much G3, but my mom's cousin who used to babysit me had tons of G1 and 2 ponies. I'm trying to find a way to contact her and see what she did with hers, but for the moment I'm focusing on doing inventory of the ponies I have.
This seems like a lovely place, and I'm so glad I found it! Stay awesome, people!
Hello OriginalMLPLover, welcome to the MLPTP. All the best with your collecting, if you need any help around here just let us know :)
Greetings and hello's! I am Michelle Lysyk from Calgary, Canada! I love your avatar! Enjoy the forum!
Hullo! Welcome to the board!
Yay another Midwesterner! Welcome to the TP!