Hi there New here and could use some imput...


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Aug 11, 2015
Hi there! I loooved Mlps as a child....Now Im 31 years old and have 7 children. One girl who is 4 and loooves the new friendship is magic ponies! When i was young I had around 250 ponies. I loooved them! My mother made me get rid of them when we moved even though I begged her not to. Now...fast forward 20 years later and I want them all back for my daughter! id love to recollect all the ones I had as a child! Id love to start a collection for my daughter but dont really know where to start. Im missing years and years of ponies! She looves the friendship is magic ones! Id like to collect the G1 ponies..skip G2 ( I wasnt thrilled), G3's were cute, Dream beauties, Petite Ponys, The Ponyville ones and Friendship is magic. I dont care for the international ones either! Im sure ALL of my purchases will have to be online...as Im pretty sure our area is pretty much wiped out of ponies! Ive NEVER seen them at local thrifts or yardsales! Anyone have any advice on where I should start or how you would start? Thanks so much!
Hullo and welcome! How wonderful to share your love of Ponies with your kiddo. Once the others see how awesome MLP is, I bet they'll all want some! :D

My best advice is to buy in lots at first. You can get a lot of Ponies for a small amount of cash and build your collection from there. I love lots, you never know what you'll get!
Greetings and hello's! I am Michelle Lysyk from Calgary, Canada! Enjoy pony!
Hi :) Nice to meet you

Good luck getting your childhood ponies back together
Hi and welcome :)

Buying lots is more easier (and if you are living in America since I do not see any cheap lots here in Europe :( ) to get started :) Try to find good deals and do not fall for the HTF (hard to find) and other advertising before doing your research first.
Welcome to the TP! I also agree that if you are just starting out to form a collection you should look for good lots of ponies on eBay and such. You can usually get quite a few ponies with a minimum of duplicates and the price per pony is lower than buying individually.

Good luck and hope you enjoy our community!