How can I help Twirlerina? (and two other ponies)


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Aug 19, 2021
Hi! So I am new to collecting and even newer to renovating ponies. Maybe the answer to my problem is really simple, but I just want the advice of experienced people - I fear I will do damage to these ponies or do something wrong or unnecessary. I have never dealt with more than superficial layers of dirt or frizzy hair. I hardly ever used acetone to clean some tiny stains on my ponies, and this was already sooo stressful to me:(
I recently got ponymail full of pegasi. I knew there were some weird stains on one of the ponies, but I thought I could just cleverly cover them with the right styling of her mane. Turns out it was worse than I expected.

Twirlerina has those hot pink/orange dots on her face, wings, legs, and butt. I thought it could be regrind, but I also read somewhere that there is a type of fungus, that shows up similar to highlighter marks. So I took off her head and looked inside (forgot to take pictures of that) - I didn't really know what I was looking for, as I have not found a photo showcasing how to fungus could look on the inside. I found a small amount of really tiny, loose, black speckles and impressive tail rust. Could this be the cause?
In total, three ponies from this seller (a retired collector from my country) have these marks, but the other two are not that severe. I asked her about these marks and she told me she doesn't really know what it is, as she was never really into renovating her ponies. And she also got them in this condition. She doesn't remember if these marks were smaller.

Honolu-loo has some orange/hot pink spots on her butt and legs

Morning Monarch has this single hot pink stain on her leg - this COULD be a real highlighter mark this time, but I'm so paranoid, that I'm not sure anymore.
What is this and how can I fix this? And if this is unfixable, is it safe to paint over it with acrylics? I don't plan on selling these ponies, so value drop is not a problem for me. I just want them to look as close to new as they can, even if this means doing some semi-customing.
Thank you in advance!:))
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Have you checked out the it’s a great resource. I’m sure you’ll get some advice later, too, from some members.
