Illness and saying goodbye


My shoes are laced with irony
MLPTP Supporter
Sep 2, 2013
Warning. This is a downer post. I would avoid it. I'm just getting this off myself. No foul if you choose to skip it, I will still love you. This is just a bit of cathartic release for me to write it all down, I guess.

It's been a hard year for many of us. I know there have been several deaths of loved ones, not only for myself but other board members. I am looking at yet again, saying goodbye to someone I love.

Last year in March my friend Mike was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Right at Halloween we received the even more frightening news: the cancer had spread to his bones. I had a Day of the Dead party planned. I quickly canceled. He and his wife Linda came over anyway and we ate in stunned silence. I had hidden the sugar skulls I'd made festooned with all our names. They seemed somehow morbidly inappropriate, even with the black humour we all shared. The holidays were quiet events, as his health grew increasing worse.

In February Mike was given two weeks to live. My sisters, all having befriended Mike and Linda after I brought them home some 20 years ago, rushed to the hospital to sit with Linda, Poopsie and I. While we watched Mike possibly die. They've been longtime friends and more like family. We wanted to see it out with them. And then Mike surprised us all, even the doctor. He took a dangerous chemotherapy treatment that had thus far killed 90-95% percent of the patients who risked it. Not Mike though. He lived.

It has been difficult, and I've tried to help Linda as much as I can. A chore made easier by the fact they own the farm next door. When I found my land in 1998, I went home and told them all about it, and how there was more land available. We all went and checked out the area that night. The next day they bought five acres there. We were together. Mom joked we had a commune. In the past few months we have found that the cancer has spread to his organs. He has struggled, but fought forward. We knew time was limited. Mike began to become confused, and disoriented. We suspected the cancer had spread to his brain.

Tests came back inconclusive, but he got worse and worse. Mike started to get words mixed up, like one day, everything was a 'router'. The cats, the car, Linda's leg... they were all 'routers'. Every day he has become more disoriented. He keeps getting in the tub and just sitting there, fully clothed. Then he can't get out and Linda will spend hours struggling to get him out. Worse yet he's gotten outside and we live next to a 6000 acre national park. If he got lost... well. It would be bad. In the meantime another longtime friend, Ken, lost his own battle with lung cancer after six years. He told Mike he would see him soon. His last words. We knew it was bad.

They came for a visit, Mike struggled to walk the short distance to our house. He was happy, but seemed to be on another plane, interacting with people we could not see. At one point he took a bowl of large faceted crystals Ken had brought me from Arkansas. He kept fiddling with it. Finally Linda asked him what he was doing and Mike claimed the bowl was ice cream I had given him and he was waiting for a spoon. I felt heartbroken. Mike was always a keen intellect. Seeing him like that was hurtful.

So it all came down to Saturday morning. Mike fell and Linda just couldn't get him up. He needed to go to the ER. We knew he wouldn't go in an ambulance, we tried that before and he just flat refused. So for over an hour we begged, pleaded and pulled. Thanks to the strong Mr Hank, we got him to the truck. We pushed and pulled and it was sadly obvious that wasn't gonna work. We couldn't get him in the vehicle. I called an ambulance anyway and they sweet talked him into going to the hospital. They were great fellows. Once at the hospital, the news got worse though. He has a significant brain tumor, causing him a good deal of trouble, as well as liquid on his brain. How they missed it previously, who knows. The doctor said two to six weeks and this time, no chemo will save him.

And maybe it's for the best. Mike isn't Mike anymore, and probably will never return. The tumor has him babbling nonsense. He doesn't know what's going on.

So we have to say goodbye. And he won't even understand us. I find myself feeling very small and helpless.
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It's a long surreal process caring for a terminal cancer patient .___.

I think our maintenence manager for our apartments may be dead.

Didn't see or hear him for over a month in spring then he showed up one day, wrinkled skin, he was like a skeleton, eyes clouded over blue (they're brown and he was average slightly overweight body build usually) and he was shaky... like he aged within 2 months x.x When I was able to talk to him, he said he went in for colon surgery.

My dad passed away in 2012 due to colon cancer, our maintenance manager looked just like my dad x.x

I saw him walking around with a walker for a while, haven't heard from him since July.

His house is now being cleaned out, his stuff hauled away and new people nay be moving in it looks like, and my daughter thinks she heard someone saying a new maintenance manager is being hired....

I don't know our manager's last name to look up an obituaries for him to know if he's alive or not .___.
Oh bunny I am so sorry. My grand mother passed in 2008 from lung cancer. She was confused and could not belive anything around her was real.
It's so hard to see someone like that.
She did "wake up" 2 days before she passed told me she loved me hugged me said the same to all that was in the room then a few mins later just went away back to the confusion.
I hope maybe y'all can have a " awake" moment with him before he passes. I'll keep y'all in my prayers.
I am so sorry BunBun. It has been very hard to lose my friends and, as you know, I am still not over it completely. I send you major hugs because, it is so painful and takes your breath away at times. I really wish you didn't have to go through this at all. My heart feels for you in the biggest of ways. What a friend you have been to Linda walking her through this. Even more so for Mike. You have been there for every step. I know that takes a lot of strength. Sniff.... I thank God every day my step father is still with us through his battle with liver cancer. Every day is a blessing. You are such a thoughtful and loyal friend. Try to hang in there and cry when you need too, share memories when you can, stay quiet when you need to and take all the time you need to get through this. One day at a time....hugs
Thank you all. Cancer is such an insidious thing, it can overwhelm someone quickly or slowly gnaw at them. I'm glad we've made advances medically that allow some to recover, and I do hope your father can overcome this, tula.

Mike has been given just a few days now. His body is producing large amounts of ammonia and it's shutting down his organs. The doctor says it should be very peaceful. He'll drift off to sleep and not wake.

On a morbid note, I'm sort of thinking he'll die Thursday. It'll be the 20th anniversary of my husband Steve's death, and I just think it would be a bizarre coincidence if he dies the same day. Guess we'll know soon enough.
I'm sending so much hugs to you. All my grandparents died in cancer, also my uncle died very young for cancer that was in her bones :(. It is always awfull to see person in so bad shape :(.
You have been very good friend by helping your friends.
Lots of loving hugs to you <3
Hugs to you. I think most of us these days have had the experience of losing someone we love to cancer. It is so painful to go through.
Thinking of you, stay strong and don't forget to look after you xx
Remember don't cry be case it's over smile because it happen-dr. Sues
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I will always remember the wonderful times we've had with Mike. He's been something of a dad to Hank, so I know it will be hard on him as well. We spent about 5 hours at the hospital today. Mike didn't really seem to know anyone, even Linda. The hospice doctor came in, and he thinks it will only be a matter of days.

Mike will find himself a happy niche somewhere else, I hope. We'll see him again. I guess he'll go hang out with Ken. Maybe my brother Ken as well, he can have two Kens!
Aww Bunny, Hugs to you & Hank. Your an angel being so supportive for Linda & Mike through such a painful ordeal.
Bunbun I'm so sorry for your current circumstances, and impending loss. As I've had the pleasure of getting to know you over the past year or so, I have continued to find it remarkable how strong and graceful you are under the weight of the things you've had to endure. I agree with RedTabbyKitty, I'm sure your support for both Mike and Linda is invaluable. <3 Lots of love and light to you. Bunbun!
Thank you, Jewel and everyone! I've just had such a long friendship with Mike and Linda I am determined to not let Mike go in a negative way. Just like with Ken earlier, I want him to be surrounded by people who love him, even if he doesn't appear to know who we are anymore.

We spent another long time at the hospital and they've adjusted his pain meds to a point where he finally seems to be suffering less. He can rest now, and I;m grateful. The staff is so kind, we're really lucky.

And on a weird note, the hospital does this bizarre thing: everytime a baby is born they play this creepy "Lullaby and Goodnight" tune over the loudspeaker. It sounds like a Jack-in-the-Box. No explanation, it just plays and is gone. A nurse had to tell me what is was. It makes you think Chucky's gonna come get you!

I bet in the middle of the night that could scare the panties off ya.
Seriously, I was so thinking Chucky when you were describing that. That is bizarre. Why not have a fairy wand noise or something instead?
And tonight, what is Action Hank watching? CHUCKY MOVIES!

That kid. He was raised wrong. Someone should be ashamed...


Turning the mood a bit merrier, I bought a large old dolly last Saturday. She's BIG, maybe 24". I think she's from the 50s, and she was bought from sheer pity. I don't really 'do' dollies except old ugly porcelain ones.

She was sitting on the desk behind me and darned if I didn't start feeling a bit nervous. I don't scare easy, but for some reason this doll kinda creeps me out. I dunno why. She has a sweet face.

But I sorta think she wants to eat my innards.


I leave her up at the hospital and that music plays and people would beat her with a fire extinguisher.
Turning the mood a bit merrier, I bought a large old dolly last Saturday. She's BIG, maybe 24". I think she's from the 50s, and she was bought from sheer pity. I don't really 'do' dollies except old ugly porcelain ones.

She was sitting on the desk behind me and darned if I didn't start feeling a bit nervous. I don't scare easy, but for some reason this doll kinda creeps me out. I dunno why. She has a sweet face.

But I sorta think she wants to eat my innards.


I leave her up at the hospital and that music plays and people would beat her with a fire extinguisher.
If she feels negative I know away to cleans a doll of negativity. Just pm me if you want any I can tell you how.

When you have 9 haunted doll you have to learn these things. I think my doll could out do chucky.

Still I hope everything will be peaceful and y'all will be ok after hugs.
I collect 50's dolls. Well, I should say I use to. I have a huge collection of them. I might be able to tell you who she is if you can tell me what company mark is on her and maybe send a photo. I love 50's dolls. I have a Sweet Sue that is 30 inches tall. My mother has the exact same doll but, hers was given to her as a child.
I'm sorry you guys are losing your dear friend :'( massive hugs to you, Mike and his loved ones.