G5 Is G5 over?

...and they don't seem to have a strong identity that little girls would want to latch onto. Like sure, the My Little Pony name is recognizable, but nothing about the packaging or the aesthetic of the brand right now really says... anything? It's purple? It's really not that eye-catching.
I think you have a really valid, constructive and factual analysis of what G5 is doing wrong. You're absolutely right. Monster High is all about being yourself, and Rainbow High has themes of creativity (I believe? I don't follow either brand too closely). G5 MLP.. nothing really comes to mind for me, especially compared to the STRONG themes of friendship in G4. The only thing I can think of is just "diversity" which falls flat on it's face considering most G5 toys have the same body type when that is not true of the cast in the show.

Beyond such themes both brands have strong and distinct theming that keeps collectors coming back. From my perspective G3 MLP didn't have a 'message for the world' in the same way MH, RH, and G4 have had. But it did have distinct and consistent theming. G5 doesn't have much of that because most of their world-building reflects the real world but 'ponified'. G3 Monster High, on the other hand, has many fantasy elements that contribute to a monster world, even with real life references like Eek Tok.

I say all of this as a massive G5 fan, obviously. I've thought for so long about what truly has made G5 fail, and I find it hard to come up with an answer because I do love it (so criticisms like 'their faces are weird,' while valid, do not hold much weight for me). I've never thought about it from this perspective, though, and I believe your take on why MLP is failing to match up to their competitors is accurate. (I do also think that a disregard for collectors plays a large part in G5's shortcomings, but it's possible I think this way just because I am one)

As long as kids are enjoying stuff, that is all that matters I suppose. But when Generation 6 comes out in 2026 or something, I hope it has more heart and consistency haha.

We disagree about G5 as a whole, but I also find myself often wondering about the potential for sixth generation. Which makes me kind of sad because we're only two years into G5! While I do think G5 has had some successes with what it has been given- or in other words, I think the teams that have worked on the toys and the show have done their best, and I appreciate their work despite what I assume are limited resources from the Hasbro execs- there is so much potential with a brand like MLP, and I hope one day Hasbro is willing to seize it again.

Sorry for the long post; doing my duty as one of the ~10 entire G5 fans in the world by discussing G5 at length.
We disagree about G5 as a whole, but I also find myself often wondering about the potential for sixth generation. Which makes me kind of sad because we're only two years into G5! While I do think G5 has had some successes with what it has been given- or in other words, I think the teams that have worked on the toys and the show have done their best, and I appreciate their work despite what I assume are limited resources from the Hasbro execs- there is so much potential with a brand like MLP, and I hope one day Hasbro is willing to seize it again.

Sorry for the long post; doing my duty as one of the ~10 entire G5 fans in the world by discussing G5 at length.
Not to worry, I used to be fixated and infatuated with G5 before I Became the Very Thing I Swore to Destroy (a G5 disliker), so I know how tough it can be to love it when so many other people call it objectively bad! (I don't even agree with most other G5 dislikers... like that example you gave of some people saying the faces look too weird; personally I think the G5 style feels so personable and adorable, much moreso than G4 did even. And I think G5 has way better music and character dynamics than G4 regardless of my other feelings :p )

In any case keep being passionate about what you love, even if it may or may not be 100% successful, and even if online communities dislike it a lot. There are certainly lots of G5 fans and many of them may not express it online, but they exist! Not every generation will please every person, but if it brings joy to at least SOME people such as yourself, it is still worthwhile while it lasts, I'd think! Kinda like how G3.5 brings me so much joy even though it is a lot people's least favorite heheh
I am sorry for sounding mean but I sure HOPE G5 will be over soon, I do my best to ignore it nowadays but I still feel embarrassed about how hopeful I used to be for it... And I only care about Sprout and Phyllis from it nowadays but they may as well be ghosts now. Truly disappointing :(

Merchandise like books and stuff has always sold better than the toys themselves in my country. Lately merchandise sales seem to be slowing down a bit however? Either way, I never see any MLP toys in my town besides the show your sparkle Izzy stuffed in a corner in Target, and the mini world magic keychains in Woolworths. Littlest Pet Shop toys are making a comeback in 2024 and my kid sister cares way more about those than pony toys even though she watches Make Your Mark sometimes. I don't think MLP stands much of a chance against the LPS comeback.

As long as kids are enjoying stuff, that is all that matters I suppose. But when Generation 6 comes out in 2026 or something, I hope it has more heart and consistency haha.
Don't be embarrassed for being hopeful. It's not the consumer's fault that hasbro is half-you-know-whating the toyline. If you like it great!

I don't hate G5, but hasbro is not letting it be good. And so, its not high priority for me, because there's not very many ponies to choose from.
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@Sprout I appreciate your kind and thoughtful reply :happyhearts: One of the things I really like about MLP is how expansive it is, but at the same time, that can create a variety of niches within MLP that not many people fall into. I don't mind too much because if no one wants to talk about G5 I can always talk about G4 too, in that I love everything MLP. At the same time, though, I understand what you mean completely.

I think it's important to talk about the failures of the brand. Not only to be a conscious consumer, but also because the failures are part of what makes MLP, MLP. For example, why on earth would they put rust-able metal washers inside a G1 seapony toy meant to be played with in water? :rofl: But the metal washers are, for better or worse, iconic to G1! So I don't mind when people criticize G5, but I do get a bit defensive when someone says G5 is objectively bad, like you said. We all like what we like at the end of the day though! :snuzzle::redheart: So I don't get too bothered about it. Thank you, and I hope you feel the same way about G3.5; that even if there are 'neighsayers,' you feel free to enjoy it :happyhearts:
I agree that G5 could use better branding in terms of packaging and commercials. But in terms of message, I honestly don't think it is necessary for a toy brand. Shopkins was wildly popular a couple years ago, L.O.L. dolls were flying off the shelves, same with OMGs, and now Rainbow High is big. None of those have a message. Notably, three of those brands are from MGA and they suck at creating stories / lore. But they are great at designing dolls and using very high quality materials. And it turns out, that is sufficient for kids to like a doll.

Like, the "story" of Rainbow High is paper thin and even what does exist doesn't make sense. They're high school students, but they all have majors? And they all wear high-end fashion brands yet we are meant to believe that this is not a high school full of snooty rich kids. It's so obvious that it would make more sense to have them be college students or young professionals breaking into the fashion world, but instead MGA just looked over the shoulder of Monster High / Ever After High and copied their homework.

But the dolls are pretty and have nylon hair, so kids like them. They also have a pretty big variety of characters.
I liked when shopkins was just cute, miniature food toys with adorable playsets. The doll move was unnecessary.
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I wanted to add, sometimes when toys fail it's not for any reason other than "kids didn't go for it", and that isn't necessarily because the toy company did anything "wrong."

For example, Charmkins in the 80s. They are so beautifully detailed and painted, they kind of anticipated the Polly Pocket craze of girls loving tiny toys and playsets, they had a special and commerials, they had pleasant scents. Hasbro put a lot more work into them than the original six MLPs! They were supposed to be Hasbro's big hit girls toy of the early 80s, whereas MLP was put forth of an afterthought like "eh, these could do okay maybe." And then Charmkins flopped and MLP skyrocketed to success. But I don't think Hasbro did anything "wrong" with Charmkins.

For a modern example of this, Mattel's Cave Club dolls flopped and IMO they were a great, creative doll line that really stood out from their competitors. They were themed around caveman times, but in a cute colorful way, and they came with dinosaur friends for the dolls to ride. And I think if they'd been released a couple years earlier, like in the Shopkins heyday, they might have succeeded. But right now kids are really into dolls who look more "grown up" with more "realistic" fashions.

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Hm german stores dont carry much G5 it seems... I keep seeing the same items over and over, nothing new anymore. I personally dont care about the G5 toys, the whole line didnt catch me, but I love the merch and Im kinda collecting it a little. Not everything but and item here and there... :D
My Target NEVER stocked G5s well, not even when it was brand new and the #1 kids movie on Netflix. This does seem to vary from Target to Target, as others in my area had a better selection. But I do think distribution is a problem, especially with Toys R Us being no more in the United States. IMO this is also something Hasbro has to grapple with, because a lot of times what makes a child want a toy is seeing the toy in person. Out of sight, out of mind.

In a broader sense I think the resurgence of fashion dolls has negatively impacted every girl-marketed toy that isn't a (humanoid) doll. Not to be a hater, but yeah I'm a hater, I would like some of the doll brands to fail so more shelf space is freed up.
Haha nooooo dolls and ponys can live together peacefully!
(well really as long as it’s not Rainbow/Shadow High or Monster high I don’t necessarily mind but I’m always happy to see cool new fashion dolls on the shelves)
Also I thought those cave club dolls were adorable but the theme was very specific and might not be that popular with a lot of kids which is too bad
I'm just saying, there's only so much shelf space in physical stores, where impulse purchases happen, and an astronomical amount of it is given to dolls right now. And many of them are 11" or taller fashion dolls, which take up a lot of space compared to, for example, the Shoppies from Shopkins.

ETA: This doesn't just apply to G5 MLP, but any toy that isn't a fashion doll. Like, Polly Pocket is crammed by the end cap, as are the little electronic pet toys, like the parrots that sing or whatever. There is a single space for Care Bears, and I have only ever seen Cheer Bear and Hopeful Heart Bear there. I think my Target is somehow able to order multiples of specific toys from a line, as the same thing happened with G5 MLP when they still carried it. I was checking their stock every day, waiting for a chance to buy the poseables, and one day they suddenly had ten Zipp Storms and no other ponies. When they sold all those . . . they restocked with another batch of nothing but Zipps. It was so weird. Anyway . . . of course dolls should be represented in the toy aisle but imo stores should assign space more proportionately when space is an issue. Like maybe don't order the dead-eyed Mermaze dolls and their mermaid car, maybe order the the beanie baby size Care Bear sets and put them there instead.
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So I got curious and did a little counting.

Not counting repeats, older ponies being piped in, or dragons, there have only been 35 original ponies in the toyline in the nearly 3 years it's been out.

Most of the new ones have been relegated to the advent calendar, and polly pocket toys.

It's awful that the advent calendar ponies re-used those atrocious pony life moulds too! I don't like the bowling ball heads on the polly pocket ponies either, but they could have at least used those.
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My local Ollie's is loaded with G5 ponies and playsets. The discount chain buys stock other stores are getting rid of so that matches with people not seeing them in other stores.

I was going to take a couple pics to share, but there was a little girl that ran over to look and I didn't want to be in her way. Her dad asked her "Do you still like little ponies?". Little girl in exasperated tone " Yeess, I still like My Little Ponies".

OMG I love Ollie’s. Thanks for the tip, we haven’t stopped by in a while. Overstock stores are my favorite way of collecting ponies, it’s cheaper but it will put you about 2 to 3 years behind the main line XD

That being said, a lot of us with more ancient pony pedigrees still remember times where the line would just dip. I remember how long it took for G3 to actually end but every few years we’d be like “there’s no G3 on the shelves, is it over?!” I don’t know what business decisions are behind these, but just sometimes there’s Pony droughts during releases.

We also saw some up-and-coming new releases coming out soon, like the really awesome looking dragon with the main. There’s still stuff coming in the pipeline. It feels like some generations end up more popular than others, but there’s still an audience.

Oh and I almost forgot, but the current comic book line is dedicated to G5. They just introduced a character with vitiligo that a lot of the fan base loves.
Hasbro seems to be obsessed with Care Bears lately.

I wonder if G5 is going down the same way G2 did. The ponies become slender, more horse-like, and the generation is doomed to never living up to the massively successful generation prior to it.

G5 show's identity crisis for both art quality and story do not help it. The budget between each "episode" is jarring and it has always been 3D CGI weakness. It is not confident enough to set itself apart from the shadows of G4, but ended up with the storyline that everything Twilight Sparkle had worked for failed.

The toy quality does not help either. Plastic is awful to the touch.

It is just frustrating for me. It has so many good things going on; Good male casts, world building with working society, interesting conflict, decent character design (beside the human faces).
maybe g5 wasnt a huge hit cause it was shown on netflix?

I mean, i dont know, since its not on regular tv, but now a days more people have streaming services than they do regular cable/satellite lol
I’ve had nothing to do with G5 as it never really interested me, and while I see some of the toys in Walmart, Toys R Us seems to be loaded with them. The pony section of TRU has plenty of both G5 and the Basic Fun releases.
I miss Toys R Us so much. :(

Heck, at this point I miss KayBee Toys.
I had a friend working at KB during part of the G3 years so I have quite a few he helped me get with his discount. Apparently they did try and come back a few years ago when TRU shuttered, but couldn’t find investors iirc.

Nowadays there are a few TRU pop ups around the winter holidays mostly. And here in NY we have a mall trying to be the Mall of America that supposedly has a TRU, but we have yet to visit that mythical place. It’s called the American Dream Mall or something to that effect.

But losing TRU in America was part of the equation when it came to G4, especially Equestria Girls it seems. All those Legend of Everfree dolls never seemed to come out these way, and most of the eBay auctions I find are in like Singapore. I still don’t think the toy industry fully recovered.

Also, many of us are broke. It’s not been a good few years, so I imagine that has its own effect on sales and production.