Its just plain over :( UPDATE Humiliation continues


Proud Owner of Cat Pee Pony
Dec 24, 2010

Mommy took me to the vet because I had a terrible infected sore from an allergic reaction to a bug bite. They have turned me into a clown, a laughable, pitiful buffoon. Basically my life is over and the only thing left to do is be a Frilled Neck Lizard and move to Australia. Please feel sorry for me, I am really depressed over here.
Maki the Japanese Chin with an infected bug bite and a medieval torture collar of doom. I think I will go look for the wayward goat or the psycho bunny. I just know they will be my friend. Nooooooobody likes me anymore. I am nothing like other Japanese Chins. I just don't fit into a crowd, I don't even fit into dinner for two. A poodle barked at me and the little spoiled rotten yorkie chewed me out at the vet. baaaaaaa boooooooo
Awwwww! I feel sorry for you, Maki! You look so sad, poor pitiful pup. There there, this too shall pass.

(My pets generally do this when they get back from vetting. The Poor Me Woe and Such look! I've been having to give kittens with eye infections shots all week and man, they don't act pitiful though. They act totally ticked off! What stink eye I've been receiving!
Yea you should have seen the German Shepherd crying like a baby while his daddy paid the bill. Then when he saw they were leaving he did a happy dance and nearly tore down the treat display. My Maki tried to crawl into the magazine rack when the tech came to get him. Roflolololol
I have never seen a Japanese Chin before and aww poor little Maki looks so adorably miserable. Don't worry puppy-poos, you'll get the Cone of Shame off and will be feeling better in no time.
I took it off of him today to give him a break. The kitties joined in the good moment. They have been checking on him because, they know something is wrong. He got a burr weed stuck in his ear hairs this morning and was screaming. Vinny came running to his assistance. I tell you animals are just such an inspiration to me. They love so unconditionally and they are so loyal. His sore is healing up well in that its finally scabbed over since the laser treatment. Its about 2 inches though in size.
Hahaha, poor liddle pathetic Chin-Chin. My dog had to get his mature bloodwork done a month ago and after the vets brought him back out he tried to hide behind my legs. Which I found exceptionally funny, as he is 90 pounds and was still trying to hide behind Mama. Our puppies are babies. :p
Hahaha, poor liddle pathetic Chin-Chin. My dog had to get his mature bloodwork done a month ago and after the vets brought him back out he tried to hide behind my legs. Which I found exceptionally funny, as he is 90 pounds and was still trying to hide behind Mama. Our puppies are babies. :p

Oh my goodness this is so funny. I can just picture this huge dog trying to hide behind your legs. Its like when a horse feels out of sight behind a fence post ROFLOL. Animals are so funny. My cats always think they are hidden so well under things, but they never remember their tails LOL.
Hahaha, that is so my dog! I alternately refer to him as my horse-dog and my direwolf. He also thinks he is sooooo sneaky; he believes he can sneak up to me when I'm eating and I won't notice a 90-pound dog trying to eat my hamburger. :D
The Humiliation continues as Maki has decided to scratch his sore with his back leg. So now he is wearing his Hanukkah Pajamas to try to keep his nails off of the area. I am about to lose my mind. I feel like I am dealing with a scratchy chicken pox kid. He really hates these pajamas so, my hope is he will calm his little doggie self down out of sheer upset at looking like a weirdo. LOL Yep he has finally gone to bed to pout.


My dog will think nothing of taking your entire plate from you while you are eating. He is bold let me tell you. And we are so whipped because, we laugh over it.
Why are you such a meanie pants, tulagirl? Poor Maki is being abused! Someone SAVVVVVVVEEEEEE him!

:DWell, if I dont stop him that sore won't heal. It cost me 200.00 just to take him to the vet the first time. I can't keep paying that. As it is its ruined our summer because that money was supposed to be for our summer fun. So, the little chewy, stinky pants has to be controlled in what ever way works. He hates the outfit, he has now stopped scratching. I will buy him a lollipop when its all over. Saying No doesn't work. The dog is deaf. Roflol. At least I didn't use duct tape lol. Its sad to put him thru such stress, but gee wiz whatsa ama I supposta dosa?
Critters rarely understand we sometimes have to torture them to help them. I'm still having to give shots to some of these kittens we rescued, and give them eye drops 4 times a day. They think I'm the anti-Christ at this point.

I don't wanna admit how often our fun money goes to the vet. It's crushing. I'm just glad I can do a lot of it myself, or we'd be living in a cardboard box.
Yea my dog is getting eye drops 3 times a day. He has something wrong with one eye. Its getting better. Yea I am sure he doesn't understand, but he is so loved. It is crushing. We finally thought we could invest in some fun summer activities for the first time in a couple of years. Now I think my only option is to sell some stuff on the bay to try to pay for that.
Does your vet take Care Credit? It's a credit card for health care (human as well as animal). If you pay it off in six months you don't have to pay interest! It's saved my butt with vetting bills a few time.
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Oo poor Maki :( I don't like taking my fur babies to the vet much either.

Lightning has started to deal it back to the vets (& me) beardie collie style
He has some evil doom collar advise...... if it's the ridged type either chew a hole in something like a bed so you can shove your head through it to break the collar or ram a hardwood door jamb till it breaks. He's done both & they work. And don't worry about the damage that's what mums for ..... she can fix the mattress & the door frame :)

And under the law of Lightning if the vet calls you fat.... pee on the scale...... a lot
You really have to get the point across, name calling and hurtful comments will meet with retaliation
The Humiliation continues as Maki has decided to scratch his sore with his back leg. So now he is wearing his Hanukkah Pajamas to try to keep his nails off of the area. I am about to lose my mind. I feel like I am dealing with a scratchy chicken pox kid. He really hates these pajamas so, my hope is he will calm his little doggie self down out of sheer upset at looking like a weirdo. LOL Yep he has finally gone to bed to pout.


My dog will think nothing of taking your entire plate from you while you are eating. He is bold let me tell you. And we are so whipped because, we laugh over it.
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Aww. He looks like a Dr. Seuss character in those pjs
Yea they probably take care credit, but I am already paying off something so, not adding anything else. I keep thinking I need to save that for when the big thing hits. He is out of his pjs now but back in his collar. Man I can't wait for this thing to heal up. I wonder how long it will take. I always thought he was so cute in those pjs, but he doesn't like them because they attach to all 4 of his legs. He does okay in his jersey because it only has sleeves for the front legs.