Lookie - I got a Display! :D (or 3...)


Singing Sea Pony
Jun 8, 2005
Hubby and I were out... Wednesday, I think it was, and we stopped at our usual stops, then went to Wal-Mart to look for some seeds and gardening stuff. Well, of course, we checked the toys out, and hubby got stuck looking at a huge box full of Hotwheels the lady was stocking. She got to talking to us about collecting stuff for her son when he was little like Hot Wheels. She also said that she used to collect some things, like Strawberry Shortcake. Of course, I had to mention that I collect Ponies. ;) She asked if I'd seen the new ones - I said, 'New ones?' I was puzzled, because I'd just checked the Ponies. So we went over there and she showed me the Ponies (no new ones to us, lol), and pointed up to the top shelves, saying those were all the same ones. I said, what I'd like the display! Lol.

She said, 'Well, if I can fit all those on the shelves (the racks were about full as they were), I can do that'.

Whoah! So she emptied one, stuffing them wherever she could, lol. Then she looked and began emptying another. Then when she finished that one, she emptied the third and last one, leaving just the Ponies sitting on the shelf! Woot! I thanked her profusely and she told me I just saved her some room, as well. ;)

So here is one of my displays - I've got THREE!


A pic w/ Hokey Pokey and Boogie Woogie (whom I also acquired that night at Target) for size comparison:

Aerial view:

Close-up of the picture:

I'm so excited! I'll probably be selling or trading at least one of them, because - they're big, lol.

I <3 displays! :biggrin:
That is SO COOL!! How NICE of that lady! :D :D Some people just totally rule. I almost tried getting one of those huge stand-alone displays for the aisles at Fred Meyer, but it disappeared before I had a chance to ask. :cry: But congrats are to you!! :D
Cool! :D I'm always picking up displays.
Thanks, everyone! And, yes, some pple are very rude. :(

One person (she wasn't rude, though, just... thought I was odd, lol) - well, hang on. First, I was in Wal-Mart... back when the BI Ponies first came out, and I saw a display in the Garden center that was empty of Ponies. I got so excited that I stopped the buffer guy. :oops: :lol: He went and got this girl, probably around my age, maybe a bit older, and I asked her what she was going to do w/ the display, now that it was empty. She looked at me funny and said, 'Well, we normally throw them away...' (probably thinking, 'Why is she asking me this?') I got all excited and asked if I could have it, and she said, 'Uh, I guess'. I squealed and said, 'Oh, thank you!' (I swear, this girl had to have thought I was totally nuts - especially from the looks she gave me!) My mom was w/ me, and we got a good kick out of recapping it later. ;)