Lt. Dan! You’ve got wings!


Queen of Deflocks
MLPTP Supporter
Jun 4, 2022
I ordered replacement wings for my flutter ponies. They look great! I just wish they were more symmetrical as one side is not straight like the other side. But they still look great!

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Lol the thread title! :rofl: The wings look great!! I dont have any for mine since theyre pricy. Do they shine iridescent really well when turned?
they are iridescent! They pick up the colors from the ponies themselves. I wouldn't say "Really well" but its enough to show the glimmers of colors

I saw some wings for sale that had colors infused in them, which I love, but they were more money. I chose the cheaper simpler ones
Oh wow, they look so nice. Also, nice Forrest Gump reference.
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