MDPM haul!!!


Flying Fish Pony
Sep 1, 2023
Guys I had the nicest time ever at the MDPM, I honestly thought I might shed a tear a couple times because I was so happy and everyone was so nice!!!!! I got SO. MANY. PONIES. like mayyyybe definitely more than I should have LOL. But six of them were from a raffle! And the others I got really good deals on! Thank you so much to everyone who sold me something at an affordable price, it's so nice being able to grow my collection and get the ponies that I want, even though I don't have infinite money to spend and I don't have a haggling bone in my body, lol.

(Hotel floor pic ftw lol)

Here's me in the awesome photo booth!! If we chatted at the meet say hi in the comments because I'm terrible with matching faces to names to ponysonas to usernames to icons! :cry: I was thinking next year I might volunteer to print custom nametags with people's mlptp avatar on them for anyone who's interested... Does that sound like a good idea?


These three were my biggest Wins of the day. 1
STREAKY!!! She's the set completer for my rainbow curl ponies!! I think she was the only streaky in the building and I'm so glad I got her, she was the #1 pony I wanted to find at the meet!! I can't wait to get home and fix her up. 2. TEX!!!! Big brothers are some of my favorite ponies, and Tex is my favorite big brother. I've always waffled on buying him because he can get a little more pricey than other ponies, especially if he's complete oh boy. But I got this one with a couple cancer spots for an absolute steal! 3. STAR HOPPER!! Same as tex, she can get kind of pricey, and I did pay a pretty average amount for her non mailorder version but just look at her! She's perfect!! I've wanted her for so long but never pulled the trigger, I'm so happy to add her to my herd.
I got a bunch more that I'm so excited about but this is... Already a novel. So I'll leave it off here LOL! Can't wait for next year's meet!
If we chatted at the meet say hi in the comments because I'm terrible with matching faces to names to ponysonas to usernames to icons! :cry: I was thinking next year I might volunteer to print custom nametags with people's mlptp avatar on them for anyone who's interested... Does that sound like a good idea?
As someone who suffers from Chronic Brainfart Syndrome, I think this sounds like a great idea! I'm bad enough with placing names and faces in everyday life, but then you add an online element to it and I'm totally lost. I could be surrounded by folks I talk to regularly online and not even realize it, haha. And on that note, I feel terrible I went the whole day without making the connection that you were peepersponies! Whoops!

Congrats on all the new additions! Funnily enough, I aquired the brother and sister of two of yours! WigWam and Ringlet! Great minds think alike! :lolpony:
That's a great haul. And the Star Hopper looks perfect :ponylove:
I miss pony meetups. And I know the problem with names. Especially when somebody hugs you like an old friend and you're like "I know your face, but who are you...?" :surprisepony:
And on that note, I feel terrible I went the whole day without making the connection that you were peepersponies! Whoops!
Omg. I cannot blame you one bit because I think I was actually at my table with my name on it for maybe an hour out of the whole day, LOL!! The biggest pro of bringing my mom along with me- I can just float around while she watches my stuff:tongue:Well, we will recognize each other next year!! (also, chronic brain fart syndrome made me laugh so much-- SAME!)
Hi :ponylove:
I was there, I had a table in one of the vender rooms. This one to be exact:
View attachment 90283View attachment 90284
I met a lot of people but, even though I saw you, we weren’t able to meet one another.
There’s always next year and your haul is great!! I’m glad you had such a good time - I also did as well :ROLO:
Your table was so lovely! SOOOO much good g3 stuff. Once I get on my next big g3 kick I'll know who to call!!!! I look forward to meeting you properly next year!:lolpony:
It was a pleasure meeting you and your mom. I hope to see both of you again next year.
I absolutely love the custom, thank you very much. I can’t wait to see what you come up with next.

Awesome pony haul! Love all the sea ponies. I hope the pony waffles maker didn’t disappoint, it was super cute.
Hi this is Maria, it was so nice meeting you this weekend!! Awesome haul - I see you picked up a winger and some of the G2 babies, so jealous. And the seaponies in the shells yessss:star::waved:

The custom nametags are such a good idea! One thing that this meet confirmed for me is that I do NOT have a good memory for regular names, much less the internet names associated with them. I think a visual component would help out for sure :rofl:
Here's me in the awesome photo booth!! If we chatted at the meet say hi in the comments because I'm terrible with matching faces to names to ponysonas to usernames to icons! :cry: I was thinking next year I might volunteer to print custom nametags with people's mlptp avatar on them for anyone who's interested... Does that sound like a good idea?

That is SUCH a good idea!! Username and icon/signature. I think if I make it to a meet someday I’ll have a tshirt made.
Don't you just love that satisfying feeling of getting home and spreading all your post pony meet loot on the floor to just behold all it's glory :hearteyes:
Sounds like you had a fun time at the meet and got some great ponies! Thanks for sharing your photos. I love hearing about events like this :cc:
It was so great to meet you in person! <3 I'm so glad you had a wonderful time, too!

That is SUCH a good idea!! Username and icon/signature. I think if I make it to a meet someday I’ll have a tshirt made.

It's been quite a few years since I've offered these, but I'll try to get some up and going for next year :)

