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MLPTP EVENT MLPTP Awesome Sock Swap - COMPLETE - Please Leave Feedback

Almost. Haven't found anything nice in my stores. All are *censored because my partner is a secret ;)* socks!

Yup, same here. I guess I'm goin online...
By the way, is there such a thing as shipping too early? Just curious.
I was thinking the same thing! And I was just looking for socks on eBay! lol
I don't think they mind people shipping early, so long as you ship by the date specified. If you have all you want to get for your partner (or have reached the $$ limit and can't get more) then I'm sure you are free to ship anytime.

I've found 2 pairs so far (I've only looked in one store so far, haven't done too much yet for this) and I'm so excited for my partner to get them. I didn't think I would find such perfect socks right away! I need to get them wrapped and get some teaser pics up!
By the way, is there such a thing as shipping too early? Just curious.

I don't think they mind people shipping early, so long as you ship by the date specified. If you have all you want to get for your partner (or have reached the $$ limit and can't get more) then I'm sure you are free to ship anytime.

I've found 2 pairs so far (I've only looked in one store so far, haven't done too much yet for this) and I'm so excited for my partner to get them. I didn't think I would find such perfect socks right away! I need to get them wrapped and get some teaser pics up!

Great question. I would appreciate you sending me a PM if you are ready to ship early. The only reason I would have someone hold onto a package a bit longer would be to keep the arrivals of all the packages a bit closer together. So, if you're ready to ship early, send me a PM. Thanks! :satisfied:
Okie dokie. Shopping is done. I'll let you know when everything is ready to go.
I have had several members ask me about shipping early... I have decided that as soon as you are ready to send your package you can. (I set the shipping dates for this swap based on swaps that include ponies; since you aren't necessarily waiting for ponies to arrive before you ship off to your partner, some of you are clearly ready to go more quickly.)

Just please send me a PM first to let me know and then be sure to follow that up with a tracking number.

And don't forget to post teaser pics in this thread, before you send! We want to enjoy the anticipation!!
I just got the last pair of socks for my partner today, just need to pick up a couple of extras at the weekend and should be ready to ship next week! :)
Had been busy over the week and haven't found anything due to my lack of activity @-@
I have lots of cute goodies and some adorable fuzzy, cuddly socks, but wanna find one more pair. Hopping to go shopping this weekend!
I have a few things left to pick up, then will probs keep looking for just a little while longer before packing it all up and shipping out. Meeting the deadline should be no issue.
Shipping out tomorrow! Teaser pic below :) I hope my swap partner enjoys, I spent a bit too much on awesome socks so I only had a little left for goodies but it's a sock swap anyways. I'm really proud of my socks finds, I think my partner is going to love them :)

I just missed out on a sock sale of a pair for a dollar. Instead I used those 5 bucks to buy a pony soap set. GRRRR r
lol Apple scented soap with Rarity on it. Apparently Hasbro took in count Simple Ways Rarity XD