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MLPTP EVENT MLPTP Handmade Christmas Ornament Swap! Please post brags and leave feedback :)


Festive FelizNavidad Pony
MLPTP Supporter
Jan 3, 2006
O' Christmas Tree,
O' Christmas Tree ,
You really need a Ponee...

(I tried LOL)



This swap will have us all creating handmade My Little Pony Christmas ornaments for our fellow members here at the Trading Post. They can be sewn, clay, felt, paper pieced… you are only bound by your own imagination!

  • You must make an ornament themed around or depicting a pony from your partners wishlist.
  • Ornament must be wrapped. C'mon it's Christmas, of course it should be wrapped!
  • Delivery confirmation (domestic) or receipt of sending (international) is required! This way if something is lost, we're not mad at you, but it will be the post office's fault. Be sure to package your box for a safe secure delivery!
  • When you receive your ornament you must post a thank you brag in the Show n Tell thread.
  • You must include a card or note in your package telling your swap partner who created their festive, fabulous bauble.
  • Keep in mind we have members of all different crafting skill levels. At the end of the day what matters is that someone spent time handmaking this ornament for you and I expect everyone to just do their best. Try to create a special ornament that you would be thrilled to receive yourself. It doesn't have to be outrageous, just something you put time and care into :xmashug:
  • Any extras are optional, this swap is for a handmade ornament. However, if you wish to include a little candy or some small additional items they should be no more than a few dollars and are entirely at your discretion.

You are allowed up to 3 trading partners, but keep in mind that each item, being a handcrafted masterpiece, will take some time to complete. You want to give your trade partners something to add to their own Christmas tree, and be part of their yearly holiday rituals, so make sure to send something you would be proud to receive yourself!

Ready to join? Already got your scissors in hand?

Since this isn't a big spendy swap, the requirements are a little lower to give newer members a chance to participate in something fun and earn some feedback for future activities, so newbies, now's your chance!

Requirements for swap:
  • 3 months of Active Membership at MLPTP (Meaning you've interacted on the forums with in the last 6 months prior to this post.)
  • Minimum 16 years old
  • Minimum of 50 posts.
  • Minimum 2 feedback (MLPTP or Arena) *eBay feedback may also be considered if ALL other requirements met
  • You must not have any Negative Feedback on your profile

Meet the requirements?! Ready to sign up?! Message me the following registration information:
  • MLPTP Member Name
  • How many ornaments do you wish to do? 1-3
  • Where can I check your feedback? (MLPTP or Arena)
  • Full Name and Mailing address
  • Will you ship internationally?
  • I, ______ acknowledge that I have read and understand the rules and my responsibilities in joining the ornament swap and will not stress out Gingerbread by not adhering to them ;)

:ornamentgreen: Once accepted into the swap please be sure to compile a list of your favorite ponies for your swap partner to choose from. If you have an Original Character, make sure to provide good pictures of them for reference. You may also want to include favorite colors or anything you think might help your partner make you a fantastic ornament! Wishlist thread can be found here: https://www.mlptp.net/index.php?threads/2021-christmas-ornament-swap-wishlists.116648/

:ornamentgreen: Don’t forget: we’re all lovers of both art and ponies, so please make sure to post pictures of the awesomeness you receive and let us know who it came from here: https://www.mlptp.net/index.php?threads/2021-ornament-swap-brags.116647/

:holly: Important Dates :holly:

Deadline for sign-up: Friday November 19
Partners assigned: Saturday November 20
Deadlines for mailing: December 10 for internationals December 15 domestic

You must message me when:
  • You have any questions.
  • You want to sign up.
  • You get your partner to confirm you've seen my message.
  • You mail your package (you must include tracking info)!
  • You receive your goodies.
  • Whenever there are any issues or delays!!!!!

Now get creative and let’s get merry!

:ornamentred: THE SWAPPERS :ornamentred:

Gingerbread *shipped*received 1/1
Recyclebella *shipped*received 2/3
evilbunnyfoofoo *shipped*received 2/2
CJ Thimble Bright *shipped*received 3/3
Sassarazzmadazzles *shipped*received 3/3
Tikibirds *shipped*received 1/1
Stellaluna *shipped*received 1/1
maycrestmom *shipped*received 1/1
ActionHank *shipped*received 1/1
icecreamgirl *shipped*received 1/1
MegaLeafeon *shipped*received 0/1
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I’m going to have to think about this one… I’m not very handy and don’t want to give out bad ornaments :( Atleast I have til Friday to choose ❤️
I’m going to have to think about this one… I’m not very handy and don’t want to give out bad ornaments :( Atleast I have til Friday to choose ❤️
I'm in the same position... Kinda. I know I can make them, but heath, time, and making them look like the real ponies... I don't want to disappoint anyone here.
I wish this had been posted before the Christmas swap, I might have more time. :( As it is, I'm spread pretty thin right now, and I don't want to disappoint anyone. Maybe next year, or if we do something with a theme, like in the spring. Sorry!
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This sounds amazing! I wish I could participate but I haven't been active in while.
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Oh man! Would love to participate... I haven't been active much on the forums at all, only reading :cry:
Let me know if you need any extra swappers! I don't quite meet the requirements, but I'd love to join!

Or maybe those of us that have been too inactive can organise our own private swaps or something...
Oh this sounds fun! I’m not gonna join cause I’m already making some gifts for family and maybe something for the Christmas swap and fitting it all in around moving, but I love the idea :santasmile: