My persona


Singing Sea Pony
Jun 22, 2005
I really want to get a persona that represents me...I don't know where to start, I've never had one. So after reading Malancaiwens post...I'm gonna get some ideas.

Favorite colors - pink, baby blue & silver
MLP- unicorn
Interests - astronomy and stars, the Zodiac (I'm a pisces and I'm a hopeless romantic)

Um...yeah, that's basically everything I can think of right now. Can someone help me find my persona?
Maybe you could do something like this, with the symbol being stars in a constellation shaped like a rose or something. I don't know, bleh LOL
This is something that I came up with.

Unfortunately, I forgot that you wanted a unicorn until I finished. Well maybe you can get some ideas from here neh? :)

That's beautiful CM =) If she does't like it I sure would like to have it as a persona ;)
:p Lol Desert_rose

Now that I have a what do I do? I saved her to my photo bucket...I need a name for her
galaxy22586 said:
I need a name for her
How 'bout Star Blossom?
Sunset Star
Astronomical Melody (kinda long LOL)
Sky Serenade
Star crossed romantic (eh, long too)
Whispering Skies
Quiet Constellation

i like your drawing foxgloves - reminds me of bowtie my fave.
I'm so glad you liked it Galaxy, if you need help with resizing or changing something about, let me know. :)

Desert_Rose, I would be happy to help you with a persona if you like. :)
Such pretty ideas!

I was thinking a baby blue unicorn, with pink hair...maybe silver tinsil?

No...scratch the tinsil. Less is more!

Symbols...symbols...well my favorite astronomical phenomenon are the auroras, so I think mint/neon green auroras would make a pretty symbol.

I even have a bait Sparkler that's wanting a new life perhaps...
QuestorStar said:
[quote="galaxy22586I need a name for her
How 'bout Star Blossom?
Sunset Star
Astronomical Melody (kinda long LOL)
Sky Serenade
Star crossed romantic (eh, long too)
Whispering Skies
Quiet Constellation[/quote]

Oh! Sunset Star is lovely! So there we have it...Sunset Star, my persona :) Thanks to everyone who helped me with this!
Foxglove - just wanted to say thanks for the persona pony. I have her saved to my photobucket. I didn't want you to feel left out. I just think sunset star fits me a teensy bit more ;) Thanks for your help also :)
:D EE! Galaxy has a new persona! *does a little dance* ^,^
Cardinal Melody said:
Desert_Rose, I would be happy to help you with a persona if you like. :)

That's so sweet :) I just don't know what my persona would be. I like so much things! And I'm terrible at making up my mind and chose one thing out of several. That's why I always go home with all new ponies when they arrive in the store ;)