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New pony room a work in progress


Big Bulky Brother Pony
MLPTP Supporter
Jun 19, 2005
New pony room a work in progress lavender dream castle edition

As some of you may know i will be moving yet again this july 1st. im tired of moving but im gratful that this will be the last time.

Thankfully, i get to have an even bigger pony room then before and im going to be designing the rooom to look just like the satin slipper sweet shoppe. Im hoping to get some good ideas on how to do this from you guys out there. i am already painting the walls a high gloss white.

Just a few questions for everyone

how do i make my 9 book cases not look like 9 white book cases LOL ?


when you first think of the satin slipper sweet shoppe what is the first image that jumps in your head?


what crucial items must be present in the room to insure it looks like the sweet shoppe?

by the way pictures to come :)


pony room is going to look like the 2nd lavender dream castle
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Oh, this sounds awesome! I think I'd have to know a bit more to come up with any ideas. Are these bookshelf what the ponies are going to go on?

I think of the checkered floor and ice cream counter when I first picture the Shoppe.

I'll come back when you post the pics. I think I could come up with some suggestions better with the visual!
Hi thanks for posting

yep, the 9 book cases are just your standard white ones that will hold the ponies. i would like them to at least look like something instead of just standing there all rectangle like.

right now the pony room looks like this

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You could maybe use some molding to trim up/join up the shelves and then they would look more custom and built in. Just a quick thought that popped in my head, hopefully it is helpful.
can't WAIT to see this done dru :D
Heheheh, I have those same shelves! Just got them today. I'd love to hear advice on this, too. Good luck, dru!
Good luck with the moving and I would love to see pictures of your completed pony room filled with ponies
thanks guys :)

I think that is a great idea to seal up the joints in between the book cases, it would look a lot smoother.

im thinking of turning my computer desk into the counter, with the 2 big green and yellow ice cream cones on the ends?
i think i may be able to paint some of the sticker pictures on the sides of my book cases? like that ice cream cone stand or dessert table.

my pony room will have a sliding pocket door, so i think on the outside of the door, to enter the room i will paint the 2 buttons of the sweet shoppe?

no luck on the floor at the moment
well im in my new place now and have been sorting out the ponies and pony stuff.

here is an updated picture of what the pony room looks like, it is totally packed.

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here is the computer desk i am going to turn into the counter from the sweet shoppe.

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someone please wish me luck
Oh my gosh. Where on earth did you get that Giant Sundance from??? That is so epic.
hi derp :)

i managed to get her at a persons house having a garage sale. she was not in the sale but i managed to buy here anyways

later on i found documentation about her from ebay

well last night i finished the template for the top of the computer desk to make it look like it should

progress in little steps but it is something

The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear Satin Slipper Sweet Shop is the huge pink bow ontop of it. How on earth that would go in a ponyroom I have no idea tho hehe :P

I was gonna suggest that maybe you could paint or put up some pictures of icecream and sweets on the bookcases, on the sides for example. But when I kept reading I saw that you were already thinking of that yourself :)

I'm sorry I can't be of much more help. However, I can't wait to see the finished result :) Always love to see peoples ponyrooms :D
desert rose (my favorite g3 by the way) you did help because how am i going to put that huge bow in the room ? LOL

i cold always paint it above the door on the inside of the room? or have an actual bow on giant sundance?

Some over at the arena suggested haveing sundance wear a big apron and hat. So awesome
paint the giant bow on the ceiling above your fan or whatever light you have in there. It would also be AWESOME to have a nice bright pink fan in there like the ones in paradise estate

desert rose (my favorite g3 by the way) you did help because how am i going to put that huge bow in the room ? LOL

Hehe, well I was looking through your pictures again and one idea came to my mind. If you're keeping the ceiling lights that are shown in the first picture you could always get some pink fabric and tie a huge pink bow around the light somehow.

That might be a firehazard tho thinking about it O.o Ok, back to the drawingboard :P
Oh dear, ha ha! Luckily for me, my cats don't care at all for my ponies.