OMG! My husband just found Mimic at a thrift store!

A Binkyfinder

Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 7, 2005
OMG! I'm on the phone with my hubby right now - he just found Mimic at a thrift store (along with 2 other ponies) for $2.00 for all! I am so excited, since I had to sell my other one a couple months ago! :D
Oh man! that is awsome!!! :shock: :shock:
I hope she is in minty shape! and don't forget to post pictures when you get her!

wow that's a great deal! congrats on your mimic!
*does her best best Napolean Dynomite voice* "LUCKY!!!!"

Wow!! Congrats Naleah!!! :D :D
Wow! You get to live the dream of (almost)very collector lol Cant wait to see pics! ^_^
:shock: :shock:
Congrats! That's like...every collector's dream :)
(well at least for those collectors who like Mimic....I know I do! ;)
Did he know who it was before he talked to you? If he did I hope he was able to keep cooler than I would've.
*tries to picture grown man with Mimic in hand saying "oh my god, Mimic! I found Mimic!" and skipping the the register like I would've*

Congrats to you on your awesome addition, as well as you super sweet husband who looks for ponies for you!

LuvTruly said:
Did he know who it was before he talked to you? If he did I hope he was able to keep cooler than I would've.
*tries to picture grown man with Mimic in hand saying "oh my god, Mimic! I found Mimic!" and skipping the the register like I would've*

Congrats to you on your awesome addition, as well as you super sweet husband who looks for ponies for you!

lol you paint a funny picture :lol:
CONGRATS ON YOUR FIND. I've never found a pony at a thrift store. Do people find them there a lot? I sort of gave up on them. :?
Awwww, how sweet! What a wonderful husband you have! Mimic is such a doll, I'm soo glad you got her back, she's beautiful! This post really made my day!


Flutta pony drawn by me~~!
Thats an awesome find! What thrift store was it? Is it a chain like savers/value village, or was it a smaller one? *is curious and wishes she had that good luck*
LOL, my hubby knew who she was - that's why he had called me when he was there. He was so happy to get her for me since I had been so bummed out about moving to a smaller place. He used to tease me about ponies all the time, but know he's starting to develop a soft spot for them. He sits with me and helps me comb out their hair when I have them washed up.

This thrift store was just a tiny place in Buffalo, MN, it's not a chain or anything. I think with some of the larger thrift stores, the ponies never even make it out to the floor because I look ALL the time and rarely find anything. This thrift store even had Cutesauraus, Posey and some others a few months back. Even if I don't always get ponies there, I've also found Care Bears, 1970s Little People and sets, a Monchichi monkey, Sea Wees, etc. I find many more things at the really tiny non established used stores than I ever do at Salvation Army, Goodwill, or Savers.

Mimic is pretty dirty, but I think she's going to clean up well. Her hair is matted, but I think once it's taken care of, it will be nice and soft again. Her non display side symbol is pretty worn, but her eyes and her display symbol are minty. I'll get pics when I'm done with her. :D

:p LOL, the funny thing is, I had been bidding on a few Mimics on eBay and won her on eBay this morning for $50.01 - of all times too - I'd put in $50 bids all the time and NEVER won. :oops:
Isn't that what always happens? You look for a pony for ever and just as soon as you give into ebay, one pops up? LOL Congrats on the super find, and I'm sure you can find a home for that extra Mimic!
Wellllllll I know two Mimics can be SUCH a if you need someone to take one off your hands, I'd be mooooooore than willing :lol:

lol Congrats again!
I think with some of the larger thrift stores, the ponies never even make it out to the floor because I look ALL the time and rarely find anything.

I can say that that's not true for Value Village (aka Savers). Their policy is that employees can't buy anything until it has been on the sales floor for 24 hours. :) I worked there, and it would break my heart to see all the ponies come in, go to the sales floor, then see all the dealers buy them. That's why there's rarely any in thrift stores - dealers. If you've ever seen a flock of dealers in action in a thrift store, it's a sight to behold. Vultures.

Congrats on your great find, and a great husband too! It's awesome that he was not only looking for ponies for you in the first place, but that he knew who Mimic was. He's a keeper! :D