Only Texans would do this...dumb dumb dumb

There are No Gators here around Lubbock Texas where I live
Squeeee on the Trinity.....and what the hay bail was the person doing while filming this?

We used to see gators out at Lake Bowie when I was a kid. Our neighbour took us there on weekends when I lived in Garland. We would swim and he'd fish. If a gator was sighted people would drive around and warn folks to get their kids out of the water.

Once we were swimming and playing, blissfully unaware of the grown ups, having a wonderful time, when Mr Ogle slipped into the water, swam under us and grabbed my ankle and his daughter's leg and pulled us both under, then set us free. We shot to the surface and scrambled for shore, screaming. We just KNEW we had barely escape certain alligator lunchtime. Heh. He laughed and laughed at us. :blush: