PC on non pony items : Fakies, LPS, Fairy Tail, Little Pretty, Care Bears, etc


Mar 4, 2015
Hi =)

I was checking some things that I got (or was given some time ago) and found a lot of toys I think some can be interested in, I've tried to ID them to my best, but have no idea on prices.

All have superficial dirt, think I haven't bathed them in a goood while, and unless noted, I think they do not have hair cuts or other marks.

Fakie lot:

White pony.
Blue newborn.
Pink sitting baby.

Brown Littlest Pet Shop horse.

Lady Pony and Baby Fakies:

Orange with yellow hair (green stars).
Pink with green hair (blue stars). (Not really sure about selling this one.)

Blue mom and baby with pink-ish hair (pink stars).

Caged cockatoo bird, with the heart in the upper part the bird can be swing. Only says China.

Fan Tail Bird

Love Bird Tails
Superficial dirt. As far as I can see in pics, this one has a tail cut.
Her hair is still pink.
Superficial dirt.
Has some numbers (50 11-5 or 11-S) on her rump.

Little Pretty (Mattel)
As far as I see all have uncut hair.
Superficial dirt.

Original set:
Frosty Fur x 2

Original set:
Glitter n' Grow:
Purple paws

Polished Paws:
Show Offs:
Cherry Belle
Glitter n' Grow:

Unmarked dog, I remember some dogs like this one, but I think they were Mattel and this one has no markings =S

Rainbow Brite

Care Bears

Both Kenner and Lili Ledy. Is there a difference on price?
A shameless face to face (I tried to) comparation between Lili Ledy and Kenner.


Love-a-lot Bear x 2. Nose rubs, superficial dirt.

Birthday Bear. Symbol rub
Grams Bear. Nose and symbol rub, brown spots, different color of extremities and body.
Cheer Bear. Loose left leg, rubs on muzzle.

Bedtime Bear keychain. Superficial dirt.


Bright Heart Raccoon.
Cozy Heart Penguin.

Lili Ledy:

Bedtime Bear x 2. Superficial dirt. Rubs on nose, and symbol. Right one eye almost erased.

Birthday Bear. Rubs on paint.
Love-a-lot Bear.
Tenderheart Bear. Loose legs, different color of extremities and body.
Well, no but hey I love your kitties. I would suggest you look up each item on ebay completed auctions and, then adjust your price on the ones with hair cuts, and bad rubs or stains.
I can try to help. The Rainbow Brite figures I have seen are around $8-10. The fairy tale birds in near mint condition with all their accessories are about $25-50, but this one isn't in great condition so I would say: $4-5