Please Tell Me I'm Not The Only One.... X_X

Twilight Pink

May 13, 2013
For the past few days, we've been having a suspicious guy come to our store (he stole some cologne before and when I told my main boss, she immediately knew who I was talking about :L )
I call him Mr.Cookie (reason being is because we've had a well known thief of our store we called her "Cookie" )
So last night, he came in and my assistant manager came and told me, so of course I had to keep an eye on him.
But I knew I just couldn't stare at him then he would know that something is up and he would immediately freak out and run away, plus I would get in trouble by god knows whoever of Melrose by just standing there, staring at a customer e_e
So I engaged in a conversation with him, the usual customer service crap, "Hello sir, how are you doing? Do you see any fragrances you like? (He was hovering around there quite abit) blah, blah, blabbity blah blah" u.u

So that way I can keep an eye on him while being helpful and trying to hurry him on his way X'D (I'm not gonna babysit a thief all night). Unfortunately I had some customers that needed to check out, so I ringed them up as quickly as a could to avert my attention back to Mr. Cookie, so once I was done with them, Mr.Cookie came over and handed me a slip of paper, but naive me thought it was a list of colognes he wants to put on hold, but no, it was his number X_X
I forced a semi smile
and just looked at it....
It says "Call for a good friend....."

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE making new friends. But this guy stole from my store AFTER I showed friendly customer service! D: He looks like he may be on something. ...drugs, meds, or possibly a couple medical conditions, and on top of that HAS BARELY ANY TEETH... dude what the heck would make you think i'll even take the slightest romantic interest in you, let alone being friends? o_O


That is the LAST time I'm watching out for a guy thief

Has anyone else been hitted on/flirted with while they were at work? And how did ya take it?

(Yes, I feel like a disgusted Hank Hill in most of these cases XD )
I just laughed and laughed over your Hank pics. I love that man. I swear that show is based off my neighbours. That is really super grossly scary he gave you his number. Burn it! It might have cooties on it! Burn it with fire!

Or have a male friend write it in the men's room under the phrase "For a good time". :D

I attract creepy stalkers myself. You just can't be friendly with men without them deciding you must ;want them' or something. It's nasty. I'm at the point I don't wanna talk to strangers.

This also makes me wanna bring up another time while working at Melrose:
It was during the holiday season and I was helping a couple of young looking (I would say early-mid 20s) African American guys, so of course I had to show friendly customer service and show them around :D

AA GUY 1: I'm looking for some clothes for my girl.
ME: Ok, what colors do your girl mostly wear? Or what does she like to wear?
AA GUY 1: What colors do you wear?
ME: I like to wear alotta red and black and some floral print clothing
AA GUY 1: Okay, show me where are those types of clothes are.
ME: (shows him Junior's "Freddy Kruger" wall -my co worker called it that because of all the red and black- and in Contemporary/ Women's) These are all the red and black stuff we have c:
AA GUY 1: (looks at clothes) Have you tried any of these own?
ME: I've tried some on, but I only bought one red and black dress from here :L the rest doesn't look right ^^;

Fast forward to alittle bit later....
AA GUY 1: Okay, I'm going to stop beating around bush...
ME: (gets scared) Oh lord.... o_O
AA GUY 1: I find you absolutely beautiful

And he proceeded to comment on my looks and whatnot, and I was modestly thanking him of course, but I was getting creeped out and disgusted with myself :s

ME: *sees better,WAY MORE ATTRACTIVE AA coworker walking by* Hey what about her? (points to coworker) :D she looks hella lot better than me! ^^
AA GUY 2: (calls out coworker's name)
COWORKER: (looks over)
AA GUY 1: Naaaaaawww (averts attention back to me)
ME: *in head* Crap ._.

Then he asked me for my number and I blurted out "I HAVE A BOYFRIEND" and I of course denied giving him my digits. Then he wanted to be my guy best friend, of course I denied and stated that position is filled by my German penpal! :D Then he asked for a hug.. ya ok.. *gives him semi hug*

Now please own your way "XD

I just wanted to go to the backroom of my job, scream on the top of my lungs some sailor language and hide there until we were closed ._.
Those guys were waaaaay outta my league/ preference type (and also my AA coworker) our favorite flavor is vanilla! ;):p (I'm pretty sure I've posted a Halloween pic of me and dear boyfriend on here before....I think...)

Le sigh...why? X_X
I giggled at Hank. XD

It's never happened to me, but my husband told me the other day that a few weeks ago he'd helped a lady in his store (he sells eyeglasses) and she was really shy, but she came to pick up her glasses with no problem. Well, he saw her again in the store the next day and the day after that but she never talked to him and he assumed someone else had helped her, though his coworkers told him she had never asked for anything and had declined help when they asked. But then she came in again and went right up to him and said, "I just have to ask, do you have a girlfriend?" He said his heart broke a little when he realized she'd been coming to the store to work up the courage to ask him out. :( I was sad on her behalf. Mr. Skeen lost his wedding ring so obviously you can't tell just by looking at him.
Ok well, I would be very careful with people like this. I watch the ID network a lot of this is a common behavior of shady people with shady intent. Its not always the case, but I would be very careful as some of these people are sickos looking for someone to harm.
@tulagirl , I watch the ID channel too! XD (so much it has made me alittle more paranoid >_<)

But ya, I have NO intentions of ending up on Disappeared, Obsession: Dark Desires, House of Horrors, Web of Lies, what have you... and me ending up the deceased one or the severely injured one :L
Poor TPN, be careful and keep the number because if he turns out to be like a stalker or harassing you, you can give the authorities his number, or if you don't wanna deal with the coppers, you can threaten to knock out his remaining teeth
Poor TPN, be careful and keep the number because if he turns out to be like a stalker or harassing you, you can give the authorities his number, or if you don't wanna deal with the coppers, you can threaten to knock out his remaining teeth

I have yet to dial the number XD (and i don't plan to ;) ) I'm guessing he lives in a house with multiple people because I have to ask for him :L and on top of that I'm shy, and I don't really like calling people and talking to them :s (texting, emailing, Kiking is HEAVILY preferred)
@tulagirl , I watch the ID channel too! XD (so much it has made me alittle more paranoid >_<)

But ya, I have NO intentions of ending up on Disappeared, Obsession: Dark Desires, House of Horrors, Web of Lies, what have you... and me ending up the deceased one or the severely injured one :L

Yep those are the show I watch. I love Disappeared. I hope they find the people and they almost never do. Swamp Murders can be interesting too. One thing I have have gotten from watching these shows is a much better awareness of the minds of people around me, their motives, the way these sickos work and dumb things we all do that put our lives in danger. The shows are disturbing to say the least, but I would much rather know what is out there and what they do then to be unprepared and unaware of what is going on. I was almost kidnapped at the age of 11 and I have never forgotten it. I had only a split second to think of a way to save my life and I managed to do so by the grace of God. In fact, I would love to be a criminal investigator, the only problem is...I have the mind for it but not the stomach. There is no way I could walk into some of these crime scenes and come out normal. Nope not me. The last thing you need is some sicko with a trailer of horrors giving you his phone number. ROFLOL My poor DH, he hates the shows the only one he will watch with me is Joe Kenda Homicide Hunter. He likes him because, he is a no nonsense kind of guy and funny as heck. I also think DH likes it better because, this guy actually gets the bad guys where the other shows often end badly with no answers. Who the Bleep Did I Marry is another really good show for people who are dating. Man some of these people and their con games make me sick.
I guess my other reason for watching them is maybe just maybe I will see one of these missing people and help get someone back home. Especially the ones involving children that are taken by kidnappers or one parent.
Some of the shows have been so bad though I had to take a 2 week break from ID network. LOL
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Poor TPN, be careful and keep the number because if he turns out to be like a stalker or harassing you, you can give the authorities his number

I absolutely agree. I would also share the number with your manager or boss and just put on record what happened, including the date and time of any incidents that occur with this guy. Having that information documented is very important should the need ever arise to use it. Be safe! <3
Atleast I made a new friend out of all the suitors :p he knows that I have a boyfriend and he thinks I'm pretty cool ^^ and I also told him he should apply to my store because we need some testosterone in my estrogen filled workplace :p (seriously, all the workers are female X_X or last guy just recently quit...and he was better off without Melrose anyway :/ the dude worked 62 hr weeks at Six Flags ,was still in school, and volunteers at things. ..ya, that's ALOT...I'll miss him though :c he was like the only brother to our all female brood ...)

*My new friend's an African-American too...which is a first time for me because I've never had any African-American male friends o_O only female :p
UPDATE: So it turns out my 2 guys are looking for me! XD they both made an appearance this week.

My African American friend unfortunately showed up on a day when I was off :( and my drugged up secret admirer actually showed up TODAY (in the morning when I don't work) asking for me....the way they both ask who they were looking for to my co-workers was hilarious XD

They described me as a "short, black girl, with glasses" (which is true >_<) but they had my co-workers guessing who the heck were they talking about which was the funny part XD
You're too much of a man killer, gal! We're gonna have to hire you some bodyguards!

HOnestly, we must find a way to rid you of the one undesirable fellow. I suggest voodoo and chainsaws!
My drugged up secret admirer actually showed up AGAIN today and gave me his number AGAIN X_X

He claims he only comes up to Melrose just to see me.
Part of me: Awwww ❤
Other part of me: Blech >m<

Anyways. ....WROOOOONG guy to be showing up... I want my buddy :c