Removing a FBR


Flying Fish Pony
Sep 1, 2023
Hey guys. Awhile back I did a Full Body Repaint on a bait pony, and something went terribly wrong because she became SO sticky and yucky. Its acrylic craft paint, with dura clear varnish and clear acrylic sealant from a rattle can (I've now heard that you can't use rattle cans on vinyl, is this true? Maybe that's where I went wrong)

What would be my best bet for getting all this paint off? I know I could use acetone but it's SO MUCH paint, I feel like I'm just going to be smearing around half melted paint for hours trying to wipe it all away I don't want to give up on her because that's such a terrible waste!!!

Poor girl
Sounds like the sealant wasn't cured in proper temps. Sometimes if it's too warm or cold it'd become sticky and stay that way.

Acetone, paint thinner and rubbing alcohol are my go-tos for this. Soak in hot oxyclean to loosen it up and scrub with another solution. It may take elbow grease unfortuantely.
What if you let the pony soak in some warm water for a bit? Maybe it could seep into the paint and may be possible to pick it off