$ Price Check $ Selling My Little Pony Baby Liquorice G1


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Apr 19, 2024

I found this gem from my childhood home and she is in excellent condition. <3 I even found her barrette and I have been looking around what to sell them for but everywhere I look I only find just the pony (just the pony seems to be going around 150 €). and I was wondering if the barrette is also a rare or valuable item?:happyhearts:

She is located in Finland (EU) but I am willing to send her off abroad as well.

This is my first post here so I hope I'm not breaking too many rules with my post, do educate me, if I should make this better. :hearteyes: I have a few more ponies as well but this one I was very curious about. <3:purpleheart:<3

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That barrette is very hard to find in my opinion! Small items like that tend to get lost so it has value. I'd say even the barrette itself is worth more than 30 Euro, but honestly they show up not very frequently, so it is difficult to say for sure.
So would it be best to sell them separately or as a set?
That's a good question! It's up to you, but there are probably quite a few people out there who have the pony and not the barrette and would only be interested in the barrette. There are others who would want both. But I think either way is fine!