• Guest, the MLPTP's Annual Pony Costume Contest is here!! Check out this thread to enter to win pony prizes!

  • Guest, the MLPTP's Annual Halloween Swap is here!! Check out this thread to join!

St. Patrick's Day Custom Swap - DONE! Leaving feedback

Oh, I hope I'm one! I'm leaving tonight, so if the Post Office doesn't have it today, I'll have to wait two whole weeks to see it! *pout*

Though... hard to pout too much when I'm on vacation. Guess it'd give me something to look forward to about coming home ;)
*Raises hand*
I'm one of them! :)
I just got the coolest pony from Ristvak.
I love everything about this pony. The colors rock! The design, wow, I'm beside myself. Its awesome!
Please post pictures for everyone to drool over!
Thank you

I just got an absolutely adorable yarn haired pony in the mail... have I mentioned that yarn hair is adorable?! And one of starrby's darling pony buttons, too! I can't post pics, cuz I'm sending this from a phone on my way out of town... hopefully starrby will post pics of her wonderful work so you can all see her too. And hush, you disbelievers! Snakes are TOO cute!
Whoo, I got mine from LLB today too! (With mardi grasesque beads! Must add to bead collection...)
I'm at work so I can't post any goodies, but it is so cute =3

::edit:: Keep posting those custom threads once your partner has received their pony. I'm doing my best to keep a current list in the first post =)
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I just got an absolutely adorable yarn haired pony in the mail... have I mentioned that yarn hair is adorable?! And one of starrby's darling pony buttons, too! I can't post pics, cuz I'm sending this from a phone on my way out of town... hopefully starrby will post pics of her wonderful work so you can all see her too. And hush, you disbelievers! Snakes are TOO cute!
I'm so glad she arrived today!!! I've been sitting here all week worrying about it since the package was scanned in ALASKA on Tuesday! >_<

I'll go post pics. ^_^
Yeah I was getting paranoid about that too Starrby XD
I guess she just wanted to experience REAL winter and have a nice adventure before she went to a shelf for the rest of her life XD
Ponies, ponies, ponies! What a great pony day it was for us.
I cant wait to see you pony WarmSnuggles. :)

Oh by the way have a safe & fun trip.
I shipped mine today.:bounce:
I received my very cute pony from WarmSnuggles today!!!
My beautiful custom from Lev just came in today :) She's absolutely gorgeous! And thank you so much for the extras hon, was a very nice early b-day present indeed <3
Cant wait to see all the custom!
I apologize to my partner, I had my mom ship the pony because I ended up being out of town and she didn't really get the whole expedited thing >__<
Sorry for the delay, feed back has just been left. :)
Thanks for having me in your swap.
Oh yeah good point Hindsight...

If you've received your custom please go leave feedback for your partner =)
I'll be leaving feedback for everyone when everything is all wrapped up =)
Eek, root canal work! I know how rough that is -slides the sugar free pudding over to starrby-
But yay for pony arrival =D
So this was day two of my root canal work. >_<
But when I got home I was greeted by a beautiful Patty pony on my porch!
Thank you Phoenix, she's brilliant, and she brightened my novocaine-filled day. <3

I am glad you like her! I am always so worried that they won't be good enough!

on a lovely green note I got my pony today! from... well I don't actually know :D there was no user name in or on the box!! so who ever you are! thank you! she is awesome and the hair is like my favorite shade of lime!!! so who ever you are you have to tell me so I can thank you properly!!!

ETA: duh Phoenix look under the foot for a signature! So now I know my lovely lady was from PonyMommy!! She is so great!! I love her!!
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Glad she arrived safely, and that you like her!!