Sunfading Starshine!


Rockin' Beat Pony
MLPTP Supporter
May 30, 2023
Now that I’m on break, I’m back to restoring ponies! I’ve been meaning to restore this poor Starshine who’s been on my desk for a little while. She’s in awful shape, sticky, and a completely different color. Her symbol is just pony-cancer-like rust dots and looks horrific. Her hair feels very gross, so I’m likely going to reroot her too. This is gonna be a difficult restoration! Here’s a before pic:

She’s currently in the UV box receiving her spa day, so hopefully she’ll look good as new soon!
I forgot to post an update to this as life got in the way, but this is how she looks now! It seems like she's a little sunburnt or something of that sort, but she definitely looks better than she did before, so I don't mind. I'm looking forward to painting her symbol back and rehairing her once I can pick up my Shimmerlocks order tomorrow :redheart:
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