The 2009 Pony Trivia Gossip thread! Feedback time and final scores and placing posted

Sorry Ladies Natsu was almost asleep last night and forgot the title. Next time I do that someone thwack me okay?

*snickers* I'm totally thrilled that for once one of my masterpieces isn't get "oh pffft you call that hard that was easy..."
Sorry Ladies Natsu was almost asleep last night and forgot the title. Next time I do that someone thwack me okay?

*snickers* I'm totally thrilled that for once one of my masterpieces isn't get "oh pffft you call that hard that was easy..."
I promise! As long as I really do get to thwack you.... hehehehe I understand though. its hard enough trying to come up with cool questions sometimes. I probably would have forgotten it too.
I had to edit my answer to #6 because I forgot to make it white :( do I lose points for that?
It's okay girls I can check why you've edited. If you only change the colour in an edit I turn a blind eye. ;)
I dont' know if I gave too much info in question #6 or not... seems like my post might be longer than some of the others?
I hope you're not taking off for spelling on question #6, because I'm sure I missed an umlaut or twelve.


*places pony offerings at Altar of Nattie*

Spelling?! Are you you know why Nattie got an A instead of an A+ in year's because she can't spell. So spelling is cool just no text speak I still can't read it.

As for tooo much info is there such a thing?

*goes to check on the offerings*

You know this pony pile just isn't big enough! Where is my set of MOC Mountain Boys? Hmmm? :laugh:
I think I am confused. I put down the Nesti Babies for the German babies question. They were German exclusives and the babies you listed were available in Germany AND Austria.
I think I am confused. I put down the Nesti Babies for the German babies question. They were German exclusives and the babies you listed were available in Germany AND Austria.
Yeah, I did the same thing... She just said German babies, and I thought that to mean exclusives. We need to be a little more specific here... LOL
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Nat just likes her sneaky tricky questions and answers :)
If she gives too many specific clues then it would be too easy and then people would complain to make it harder.
There's 60 questions total and she's probably hoping we get some wrong just to keep the scores less even. *shrugs* I'm sure there's a bunch more that are easier and less tricky so we can score more points with those.
Yeah, I got suckered by the G1 German babies = Nesthäckchen babies assumption too. LOL "Nesthäckchen" doesn't exactly roll off the fingertips, so "German babies" seemed like a perfectly fair approximation to me!

Kinda sucks that it doesn't even count for partial credit when points were given on #4 for a cribbing a wrong answer -- Mike Hodgson has lived in the US for all of his 63 years, fyi (Google is your friend) -- but Natsu the Trivia Goddess is a fickle fickle mistress. ;) Clearly, our offerings have not averted her wrath one bit!

It's still too early in the game to start counting points though. I'm sure someone whose name starts with D will jump into the fray and smoke us all! LOL
Yep that's it I'm fickle besides if I wanted Nesti babies I would have said Nesti babies.

Pika and Blushing blue are right. Beside most of you are on level pegging just now... even with wrong answers!

Some of you I know are just not happy with the trivia and I'm sorry but there's only one of me and I can't please everyone. I'm posting one question just before bed as it is. I've been lenient for the first lot of questions but if I give points regardless where's the game in that? I'm sorry so many of you aren't happy, I would like it if we could all have some fun and maybe learn something in the process.

One question today, I'm very busy and very tired.
Nat! I just wanted to say that I am having the time of my life on the questions and I'm sure everyone else is loving it too. If they weren't hard and you didn't get picky, it would be impossible for people to take the lead.

I love the questions you have been coming up with, it's fun to test our pony knowledge :D
Pony trivia is srs bsns!

Aww... *pats Nat* Don't worry about the grousing. It just shows that people are interested in the game. After all, if the players weren't engaged by the questions, they wouldn't bother groaning over the answers, ne? ^_^
Awww I am loving this so much! I wasn't around for it last year, but I think it is so fun! I know some people have complained - people just need to be grateful and not take this so seriously. It's some pony fun for us pony fanatics! (or crazies xD)

Don't be so down Nat! ^.^ I think the general concensus - is that the right word? - is that we are loving this! <3
Thank you ladies. It is appreciated.

If you want to make me really happy go round up some more pawns for my score sheet! :laugh: