The G3 movies are actually getting better.


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jul 10, 2005
It is my belief that the Friends DVD is thus the best of the G3 movies. The ponies weren't as annoying, the animation was more consistent, there was a real plot with a real conflict. I think it was actually enjoyable. So what does eveyone else think?
i've only seen the first two lol

and then i've got the second one in german. and that sound slike it's full of fun!
i can almost say " catch a kite and you catch a wish" perfectly LOL

i personaly liked the G1 movies better. you know, witches, smooze, bad guys, paradise estate locking them out, dragons.. none of this " how do we surprise kimono"

Can't wait to see the third one :)
YYYeahhhh, the G1's were much better but still, I thinik the G3 are improving.
who would have thoguht that someone named thistle whistle would have a compulsion to whistle?
I liked Thistle Whistle too, can't wait til they release her. But the whistling reminded me of another Christmas movie where Santa Claus is raised by elves and his teacher talks to birds. So he whistled alot, lol.