MLPTP EVENT ~*~ The MLPTP's 2010 Secret Santa Swap! ~*~ COMPLETE!

I'm ridiculously ahead. I was planning before I even had a partner! lol... OCD much? ;)

I'm just the same. I even bought a thing or two before I knew who my partner was. I can't pretend that I've got all my stuff yet, but I've got one pony, a bunch of extras and a few possible ponies. Let me just say that my partner has the best wish list I ever seen. It's so hard to decide which ponies to get.
Oh Buddafly, your kitty is so adorable!
oh I wish i could say my shopping was done, i have a kinda hard list not that i am complaining, i just hope i can find at least 2 ponies for my partner already got one. still debating what else i want to buy as far as extras, I too wish i could have done more than one this year.
this will probably be my only pony Christmas gift since my family really has no clue when it comes to ponies, plus i would hate for them to pay too much you know?
Oh and it doesnt help that none of them really uses ebay. go figure. lol
one year my hubby just said take and spend xx amount on ponies from me. not really the same as unwrapping a pony he bought on his own. oh well.

just chatting away arnt i lol. :020:
I know how you feel c_slipsager, but I'm pretty lucky when it comes to my parents. They do a lot of thrift store hunting & they will pretty much pick up ANYthing pony they see. And they have done remarkably well! (I wouldn't have my $0.33 Mimic without them!) But anyone else, no pony clue at all. And I hardly mention it anymore, because I've found people don't really know what you mean so you just end up with a bunch of horse crap, which is fine if you collect anything "horse", but I don't...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who already has ponies in hand! I thought for sure I was all ahead of the game because this is my first holiday swap & I was excited & started rounding stuff up as soon as I had the wishlist! I think I'm almost done already! I'm starting to wish I had picked a 2nd partner too, but I didn't want to get in over my head. Maybe next year!


I like collecting G1 ponies, I have a lot of G3 ponies but G1's are my favorite :)

Baby Sweet celebrations

Sparkle Babies:
North Star

-I like the Glittery Sweet heart sister ponies (don't have any of those girls)
-I also Like big brother/boy ponies I have: Wigwam, Tornado, Chief, Daddy sweet Celebrations, and Salty-so any boys besides those ones are great! I also don't have any baby boy ponies :)

I also like collecting Mattel Little Pretty Kitties (I have all the kitties but not the puppies) Fairy tail friends.

I like to customize ponies so hair would be great I usually order from this site: Doll Hair- DOLLYHAIR.COM Saran and Nylon for rerooting. I do not have alot of colors right at the moment so any color would be nice but please no curls :)

As far as goodies go I like pretty much any kind of candy-love coconut and chocolate! I don't have any allergies so I'm easy ;)

Besides my little ponies I like cats ( I am a cat owner-so cat toys, treats would be appreciated by my princess) I love Scentsy candles, and I also like pretty much anything from Bath and body works-scented is fine, I love good smelling bubble bath!

Thanks :D
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QUESTION FOR MY PARTNER, but you all have to answer -lol-

Do you like miscellaneous funny pony accessories and "pretties" (little key rings, ornaments, notebooks, etc)?

Yes, but I have more notebooks than I can just not notebooks lol :)
I'm so happy! My Swap shopping is going well so far--I hope everyone else's is too!

:( Kinda. Have to regroup... a hoped for purchase is not to be. *sniffle* But I think I have a line on something else... *rubs hands happily* Extras mostly lined up...:banana17:
I've just bought the rest of my ponies. I'm even getting an extra one, in case one of the others isn't as good as described. Now I just need to wait for them to arrive.
Woo hoo pony shopping complete :) Now for the fun part looking for cool extras :)
I've got all the Ponies I need for one partner - now just to get the other taken care of. :) Some extras shopping is done, but have a lot more to do! ^-^ I'm hoping I can hit up some good deals on Black Friday - I am so excited!:bliss:
so i got all my partners ponies!!!! :banana17: I was so worried i wouldn't be able to get the other one. i wanted to make sure i gave at least 2 ponies. I alreday know waht extras i am send too, just have to pick them up. :coolsnow:
okay, got 2 ponies, just hoping to get one last one, and I think I'm done with my extra's too, I didnt' go too crazy with extra's being I spent a little more on ponies but I still think I got just enough to make my partner happy, now just to get it all here and wrapped....

Sounds like everyone is doing so well.... not so much in my area although I do have 1 pony on the way so far.
I paid for some ebay items. i really hope the sellers dont ship parcel post! That seems to be a growing trend among sellers:weird:
okay, got 2 ponies, just hoping to get one last one, and I think I'm done with my extra's too, I didnt' go too crazy with extra's being I spent a little more on ponies but I still think I got just enough to make my partner happy, now just to get it all here and wrapped....

I sorta did the same thing, I did spend more on ponies, but the extras were a bit pricey too. I went for fewer costlier extras rather than many cheaper extras (not saying there's anything wrong with cheaper extras, they can be wonderful, just explaining why my package will not have as many as another person's), but I think my partner will enjoy everything. I hope so anyway. I tried to stick close to the wishlist! :hiding:
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I'd love to go and buy a few more extras, but I'm forcing myself to wait till the ponies arrive and I'll know how much more space there'll be in my box. It would be kind of stupid if I bought so many extras that I couldn't fit in the ponies anymore...