The Weight Loss and Exercise Motivation Thread


Queen of Deflocks
MLPTP Supporter
Jun 4, 2022
(hope its OK to put this here, if not let me know)

I really need to get my butt into gear on losing weight. I gained 30 lbs within the past year and I feel absolutely disgusted. I want to shed that 30 lbs so I can feel like a human again.

I am here hoping to gain some motivation from my pony pals, some advice, feedback and general support! If you want to join me on this journey, please do hop on the train with me!

I plugged in my treadmill last night and hopped on it for 40 minutes. I feel sore this morning, I think that was the most I've moved all month and it shows. For dieting, I decided to give intermittent fasting a try. Has anyone tried intermittent fasting? If so, how did you feel? Did it help with energy?
My mother and stepdad began dieting a few months ago, both have hit goals already! They started out on Nutrisystem to get them in the habit of counting calories and just overall being more conscious about what they were eating, also gives you a good place to start.

Making sure you’re well hydrated is a big one, but that’s a general wellness thing more than weight loss I think! If you’re big on soda, cutting even just that makes a difference, both with weight loss and how you feel. As far as fasting goes, I wanna say that’s something my parents did if they decided to go out for a meal and indulge a bit. Essentially, it’s a calories in/calories out balance; you don’t want to be in a calorie deficit nor do you want to overdo it. Having an app to track calories is what seemed to help my parents in the long run. My mom also has a treadmill and would use it I think for at least an hour a day, she said it did help her with energy levels as well as help shed weight.

Making these changes can be tough and overwhelming, but you can do it! Be sure to go easy on yourself, take things one step at a time. Every success no matter how small is a victory and every change for the better will make a difference in the long run <3
Yeah, my chub rub has started to destroy my jeans D:
My mother and stepdad began dieting a few months ago, both have hit goals already! They started out on Nutrisystem to get them in the habit of counting calories and just overall being more conscious about what they were eating, also gives you a good place to start.

Making sure you’re well hydrated is a big one, but that’s a general wellness thing more than weight loss I think! If you’re big on soda, cutting even just that makes a difference, both with weight loss and how you feel. As far as fasting goes, I wanna say that’s something my parents did if they decided to go out for a meal and indulge a bit. Essentially, it’s a calories in/calories out balance; you don’t want to be in a calorie deficit nor do you want to overdo it. Having an app to track calories is what seemed to help my parents in the long run. My mom also has a treadmill and would use it I think for at least an hour a day, she said it did help her with energy levels as well as help shed weight.

Making these changes can be tough and overwhelming, but you can do it! Be sure to go easy on yourself, take things one step at a time. Every success no matter how small is a victory and every change for the better will make a difference in the long run <3

I haven't had soda in years. Don't miss it, lol. My liquid intakes' mainly water, zero gatorade and coffee. I need to try to get on black coffee without creamers.

Congrats to your parents! That's amazing! I'd like to try Nutrisystem (my dad lost weight on it), but with my health issues I can't eat anything processed and they seem to be loaded with sodium and preservatives. I need to go the natural way. I really need to cut out carbs, dairy and sugar. But I can't quit cheese!!!

I lost weight on WW years ago, but I never really 'learned' anything from it. Trying to find a program that would teach me right eating habits, and not work by points and just counting calories is difficult. I did Profile while it was in business for a short while, the one on one coaching was amazing! but I got tired of drinking shakes twice a day real fast.

@Twinkle-eye - those darn chub-rubs. I ditto that, lost my favorite leggings recently too
I wish you luck!! <3 I dont know much about fasting sadly. I understand the struggle for sure T_T I have such a hard time losing weight i was resigned to just staying the way ive been for fifteen years then i got covid and lost like 15 pounds in two weeks. It was crazyy. Now im used to the weight gone and im terrified of it coming back lol i keep looking in the mirror and weighing myself like PLS STAY AWAY I BEG o_O:cry::rofl: PLS dont come back ima cry lol. Ive been wanting to exercise more maybe thats what I need to do. I just wonder whats best, walking or running? Probs crunches and things too.
(hope its OK to put this here, if not let me know)

I really need to get my butt into gear on losing weight. I gained 30 lbs within the past year and I feel absolutely disgusted. I want to shed that 30 lbs so I can feel like a human again.

I am here hoping to gain some motivation from my pony pals, some advice, feedback and general support! If you want to join me on this journey, please do hop on the train with me!

I plugged in my treadmill last night and hopped on it for 40 minutes. I feel sore this morning, I think that was the most I've moved all month and it shows. For dieting, I decided to give intermittent fasting a try. Has anyone tried intermittent fasting? If so, how did you feel? Did it help with energy?
I know how you feel! I started keto about 4 years ago and was very strict for about 3 of those years. I lost what I wanted and learned a lot about what was going in my body. Going the natural way is the best for sure. My hubby cooks so we have developed several staple recipes we love. I also try to get up and excericse at least 30 minutes 4-5 days through the week and take weekends off. I feel better than I have in years. I have maintained my weight pretty well just a few pounds here and there. I do intermittent fasting some as well. I just pick a time that I am not normally eating and try to go as long as I can, usually from 6:30-7 at night and don't eat breakfast until 9. I don't know if it really helps me or not. I also was a lover of creamer but I switched to heavy whipping cream and no sugar and weaned myself off creamer. Now I have switched to unsweetened coconut milk. It's not as good but it gets the caffeine in me.

As long as you put your mind to it you can do it! It's worth it! My MIL used to say "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" I try to remember that when making my food choices. Not so much to be skinny but healthy. Good luck on your journey!! Think of a goal to reach and buy yourself a grail pony!!
Hey you've got this!

I've lost 22lbs total so far!

I just do some workouts each day mon-fri, i also have like a "core set" ive started for myself if im not trying anything new
eventually were going to get a treadmill

I am also just typically trying to better and watching my carbs (that's the worse thing I eat lol)

I run a page about it!
Keep the support coming, they're helpful and appreciated! I love hearing all experiences!

@strawberrypony32 Its great you lost weight, but it's not how you want to lose it. Stupid Covid. I get it, getting on the scale fearing you'd gain is a hard feeling to overcome! I don't want to see numbers go up either (and I had enough when I saw I was at my highest ever)

@OctoberMoon I did Keto for a while when I was with Profile. It was mostly shakes and I got tired of that fast and I never really learned how to count properly on it because of the shakes and the plan I had to follow. I am so glad you had results on it! IF is sort of like Keto- I don't understand it but people on the groups say you go into ketosis even if you're eating whatever. I am hoping to get great results too! Surprisingly, I don't mind black coffee (I thought I'd hate it). 14-hour fasting does help, it's recommended for beginners and I hear success for not eating for 14+ hours.

@Sassarazzmadazzles Were you doing IF? What's your secret? Congrats and great job on losing that chunk of weight! Mind sending me your page if you don't mind sharing? I love inspiration!

Day 3 of Intermittent Fasting (IF), and I am managing. A little headache that is taken care of with pink salt. Day 3, I got on the scale and lost 3 lbs, which I am sure its all water weight, but hey, it's something! It will take time to see real progress, it just means my body is adapting.

I decided to do 16 hour fast to kick start everything. I start at 7pm and don't eat again until 11am. I am hungry (and 20 minutes to go before my eating window opens), but I am distracting myself with lots of pony restorations/customs! At least over the weekend I did. I am at work hoping my growling stomach doesn't annoy my coworker too much.

I haven't exercised yet, I want my body to adjust a bit first because I fear light-headedness. I WAS going to go on the treadmill last night but my stomach didn't agree with my last meal. hopefully tonight I can do some walking.
Keep the support coming, they're helpful and appreciated! I love hearing all experiences!

@strawberrypony32 Its great you lost weight, but it's not how you want to lose it. Stupid Covid. I get it, getting on the scale fearing you'd gain is a hard feeling to overcome! I don't want to see numbers go up either (and I had enough when I saw I was at my highest ever)

@OctoberMoon I did Keto for a while when I was with Profile. It was mostly shakes and I got tired of that fast and I never really learned how to count properly on it because of the shakes and the plan I had to follow. I am so glad you had results on it! IF is sort of like Keto- I don't understand it but people on the groups say you go into ketosis even if you're eating whatever. I am hoping to get great results too! Surprisingly, I don't mind black coffee (I thought I'd hate it). 14-hour fasting does help, it's recommended for beginners and I hear success for not eating for 14+ hours.

@Sassarazzmadazzles Were you doing IF? What's your secret? Congrats and great job on losing that chunk of weight! Mind sending me your page if you don't mind sharing? I love inspiration!

Day 3 of Intermittent Fasting (IF), and I am managing. A little headache that is taken care of with pink salt. Day 3, I got on the scale and lost 3 lbs, which I am sure its all water weight, but hey, it's something! It will take time to see real progress, it just means my body is adapting.

I decided to do 16 hour fast to kick start everything. I start at 7pm and don't eat again until 11am. I am hungry (and 20 minutes to go before my eating window opens), but I am distracting myself with lots of pony restorations/customs! At least over the weekend I did. I am at work hoping my growling stomach doesn't annoy my coworker too much.

I haven't exercised yet, I want my body to adjust a bit first because I fear light-headedness. I WAS going to go on the treadmill last night but my stomach didn't agree with my last meal. hopefully tonight I can do some walking.
Just be careful and take care of yourself <3
I’ve been doing intermittent fasting for a bit over a year now and have found it helps with my indigestion and sleep schedule/quaility.

Going low carb and extra walking worked awesome for my mom. From a size 14 to a size 6 in two years. I have some trouble with the aerobic exercise since my foot, heart, balance and whatnot, but my liver was having issues and the weight was just getting me so down. After a couple years of trying just a healthy diet and all the exercise I could handle, I had no results. My gastroenterologist basically said that I needed to lose weight for my longevity. (I promised E to do my best to stay around and functional.) So the doctor said to count calories back in late August 2022. 1200-1400 calories per day. I’ve lost 55 lbs now and the doctor wants me to stay on the diet until I lose 10 more, if I can. Then I get to look at what maintenance calorie count will be for me. I miss chocolate! I can eat whatever I want to, though, just have to stay in my range and I choose the veggies more often than not.
I have lots of thoughts on this. Here's my take, if it's helpful:

My spouse and I both lost weight during the pandemic. I lost a little, he lost a lotttt, and there were several reasons, I think. We weren't going out to eat anymore and it's amazing what a difference that made. Restaurant food tends to be extremely calorie rich and portion sizes huge because that's how they make money. I'm very fortunate that my spouse likes to cook, because it means we don't eat as much pre-made, processed food as we would otherwise. But, right at the beginning of the pandemic, he fell and chipped a bone in his shoulder so I started making all the food while he healed. I don't like to cook, so for lunch I was making sandwiches (lettuce, cheese, lunchmeat, whole grain or seed bread) every day while taking care of him. He found they worked really well to keep his hunger levels sated and regulate mood, so he just kept making sure to have a sandwich for lunch each day after he was back to rights. "It's sandwich day!" we joke. He also has found he really enjoys the endorphins from intense exercise, so he has made a routine of that and goes for walks to fix funky moods.
We also cut down on the amount of meat we eat. We were eating a lot of beef, honestly. Now, hamburgers are maybe once a month, lol.

He also is really interested in what science currently understands about weight and shares articles about various studies with me, and listens to podcasts. We've tried some diets, and watched friends and family do Keto and Atkins and fasting and what-have-you. Weight goes, and often it comes back when the diet stops.
I think what really makes the difference is doing something that you're happy to keep doing in the long term. If your body is comfortable not eating after 5 pm until 7am, that's sustainable for you. Diets that make you feel stressed out because you're denying yourself things all the time eventually fail and we bounce back.

Everyone is a bit different, so it's important to pay attention to what you eat and how it makes you feel. Are you starving for your next meal? Maybe a carb-heavy breakfast is crashing your blood sugar, and you need more fats, fiber, and protein instead. Sugar is highly addictive and also we get super accustomed to it. After reducing the amount of sugar I consume for a while, I'm always kind of grossed out by how sweet food is in the U.S. We put WAY too much sugar in food here, and we vilify fats that actually would keep us more satisfied. Substituting them with artificial sugars doesn't do you a lot of good either. If you can start to let yourself appreciate foods that are a bit more bland, or that get their flavor from herbs, spices, acidity, freshness, healthy fats, etc, you can dodge many calories that you didn't really need in the first place.

Eating mindfully is a big deal, honestly. So many of us scarf our food because we're short on time or super hungry, but if you can make yourself really chew and taste everything, you'll get more satisfaction out of it, digest easier, and also give your body time to overcome that delay between eating and getting the feedback that you're full. Have water with your food too. When you eat delicious things, savor them as long as you can, and check in with how you're feeling, if it's nourishing you or making you feel a bit gross. If the next bite isn't as fulfilling as the previous one, might be time to set it aside and enjoy the rest another time. You can save it as a gift for your future self, something to look forward to. You don't have to feel bad about loving cheese or baked goods. Just be really aware of what they do for you, and don't use them as relief for something else you're missing. <3

And be kind to your body. Fat is an organ, a system of your body. It's programmed to do a lot of things for your survival, including change your weight with the seasons, your stress levels, your age, your health, etc etc etc. Don't be angry or disgusted with yourself if you're not where you want to be, just become aware of how things are going and start being conscientious again if you think you've been drifting. You can be curvy and healthy, just as you can be skinny and unwell. Give it time, and do it for you and not what anyone else thinks.
Umm.. I just want to add that I agree with jellybean and I would not recommend a diet like mine without a doctor’s approval and supervision.,
Also adding for me, I think doing fun things to help you motivate yourself is nice. Like for example, to try and safety have movement without over doing it ive just been going out and hitting a beach ball around and playing with the cats. Small things! Pulling some weeds, etc.

Also taking baby steps into exercise is a good idea. I remember years ago i used to do like a 100 each of crunches,push ups, etc every night then stopped for a long time and when i tried again i hurt myself bc I wasnt used to it anymore. It was completely unrealistic to think I could do something that extreme without any working up to it again.

Also, if you get too light headed id talk to a doctor, bc not every diet is for everyone and if it does more harm than good its not worth it. Just be safe <3
Also adding for me, I think doing fun things to help you motivate yourself is nice. Like for example, to try and safety have movement without over doing it ive just been going out and hitting a beach ball around and playing with the cats. Small things! Pulling some weeds, etc.

Also taking baby steps into exercise is a good idea. I remember years ago i used to do like a 100 each of crunches,push ups, etc every night then stopped for a long time and when i tried again i hurt myself bc I wasnt used to it anymore. It was completely unrealistic to think I could do something that extreme without any working up to it again.

Also, if you get too light headed id talk to a doctor, bc not every diet is for everyone and if it does more harm than good its not worth it. Just be safe <3
Wise words :purpleheart:
Right now I'm not exercising much while I acclimate myself into IF. I have gone on the treadmill for half an hour or so, but currently that's the extent of my exercises. I feel like with my shortened eating window I'm afraid I'd get lightheaded. Maybe next week or so once I adjust to the new eating habits I'll do more with my dumbells and increase speed on the treadmill. a little at a time!

Just wanted to add, I am not a newbie to exercises, I used to go to the gym and lift and stopped when the pandemic hit and the gyms shut down, I lost motivation to go back since i was thrown out of my routine. I've lost weight in the past, gained it back. I am tiring of yo-yoing, and decided to try IF to see if it would become a sustainable lifestyle change.

@strawberrypony32 I am totally looking forward to warmer weather to take my camera out to nature preserves. Walking and hiking while taking photos? Heaven! Gets me outside in the fresh air! Oh to buy a new bike and go back in the trails (my previous bike was old, breaks stopped working and it wasn't worth it to get it fixed)

@Jellybean That's great you and your spouse lost weight! You're right, its different for everyone. No body is alike. I am on IF with a 16 hour fasting window. Today's day 4 and I am feeling great. I haven't weighed myself yet but I am feeling the energy which is important too!

@Tak I am happy to hear your mom lost weight and is doing well! IF sounds like worked well enough for you too energy and health wise. Have you lost much (if you don't mind me asking?) But yes, take care of your health and be there for E and your family. They are the greatest motivation a person could have!
One of the biggest things that has helped me is to really read and follow the serving size suggestions. Keep up the great work. :orangeheart:
If you are able to talk to a nutritionist, that is always a good move when starting a new diet regimen.
You can do it! The struggle sucks.

I'm so tired of flip flopping. The lowest I've been since last year was 121. Last week, I was 133. Today I'm 127.
Today, I finally started to notice a difference in how my face looks and how my pants fit.
I am excited for the continued changes.

Rah rah for everyone working hard to make changes for themselves, whether those be for weight, health, or other.
@Leave a Whisper Keep at it! yo-yoing stinks, but don't give up!!

@darklys that's amazing! I know you were struggling for a while, but use those wins as your motivation to continue! I'll be your personal cheerleader!

Yesterday I tried on a pair of pants that was usually snug on my thighs. It was loose and comfortable. Yay! These are the positives I look for, not the numbers on the scale. how my clothes fit, how I feel mentally and physically.. nearly 2 weeks into IF, and I feel better than I had in years!