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There's always room in my heart for new loves


Queen of Deflocks
MLPTP Supporter
MLPTP Rainbow Level Supporter MLPTP Post Count 1000
Jun 4, 2022
Some of you may know my baby boy, Monet, passed away last week.
I ran into an old friend who I used to volunteer with and she showed me a pic of a beautiful orange Maine coon mix, so I went to check him out.
Alas, we didn't bond at all.
But I saw this stunning fluffy ball of grey who was really affectionate, and decided he's the one. However, he had a bonded brother and I couldn't separate them.

Behold! Rembrandt and Dali!


Rembrandt is the one on the scale, the first one I met. I hardly spent time with his brother and said "well, guess you're coming too!"

So far Cassie seems to be OK, though I don't think she quite realizes they're there yet. The boys are presently decompressing in the bathroom.
They both need a good brushing, they're matted. I'll let them settle in for a few days before brushing them.
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So sweet. :greenheart:
I’m sorry to hear about Monet, Draco. Your kitty would’ve felt all the love and no pain

I hope Rembrandt and Dali settle in well. They have a new home in time for the holidays! :Flutter4: It’s a new chapter for all of you

Also, am I sensing a theme in the names here? :lolpony:
Oh, this is amazing!! I LOVE their names!!
Oh, no Draco! :cry: I know you said your kitty worsened but didn't know the CKD had progressed so fast.

Do you know how old the new boys are? All that fluff could be 3 or 10 since full fluffy cat faces look older.
Hugs Draco, I'm sorry about your little guy. Hopefully these guys will settle in nicely with Cassie.
Congrats on your new fur-baby family additions!! Rembrandt & Dali are gorgeous boys & you’ve continued with the artists’ names! :happyhearts: Hopefully they learn them quickly.

Grooming is very important for them. I hope the mattes they have aren’t huge. I took one off a friend’s cat the size of my hand a long time ago! Not sure if you’re familiar with grooming tools but they have numerous types for the different types of cat fur. A dematting brush plus combs for their long hair. I’d also suggest to get curved scissors to trim excess paw & in between toe hair plus for trimming fur our their behinds. ;) I’m guessing YouTube has tons of grooming tutorials.

They look like they are mellow boys. How old are they and how much do they weigh? :fizzy:

I do hope Cassie likes her new brothers!
So happy for you Draco! :happyhearts:
What handsome couple of little fuzzbaskets! Congrats, we'll be waiting for updates on them and what their personalities are like!
the boys are about 3-4 years old according to the shelter. They need a serious brushing! The fur is so matted and dingy. Thank you @DreamValley80's for the advice. have a slicker brush and a furminator- but might need to get one for longer hair.
Thankfully the mats aren't big, but I feel them around Rembrandt's ear. I can probably cut it off with a blunted scissors. Gotta look on Chewy for brushes. I want them to settle in before I traumatize them with a brushing. They came from a hoarder situation. I'm surprised at how trusting they are. I hope they take to brushing well, otherwise I'll have to do small sessions. They do need a claw trimming, I hope they'll accept that since Rembrandt's claws are getting stuck on things.

I wish the shelter took a little bit better care of them, at least to their fur and claws. I get it, the have 48 cats to look after, still, long haired cats need extra care.

but omigosh they are the sweetest lovers! They are all over me with purrs, headbutts and demands of pets! My other two cats were never like that, but I am excited that other people can enjoy them too and not just me (Monet never let anyone touch him, and Cassie would hide).

Seeing them together makes me really glad I decided to adopt both together. I can see how bonded they are with one another with the love they give one another.

So far Cassie doesn't seem to realize they are there. She smells them on me I'm sure but isn't giving a reaction. This is positive so far, but we'll see when she realizes for sure they are there.
Good luck with the grooming & claw trimming. So glad you’re going at their pace for them as they adjust. They are in the best place they have ever been in now!!

That’s so wonderful that they are loving & people friendly. Our cat is a stranger danger go hide under the bed type.

Cassie must appreciate that they aren’t kittens that will stalk & tackle her.

Can’t wait to hear more! :yellowheart:
You might just start with a regular detangling comb for humans or a paddle brush.

If they haven't been brushed much, or at all, they might not like feel of pet brushes. My ragdoll hated cat brushes.
I ordered some blunt rounded edged scissors (made for beards, reviews said they used it on their pets too), a deshedder, the greyhound comb as recommended and pet nail clippers (I've used my regular clippers for Cassie and Monet, but maybe this would be easier). I already had a rubber brush that may be softer and a slicker brush. I also got some pet wipes to help clean them up since they have crusty fur. I don't think a bath will be in order for them lol.

I am pleased to see they used the litter box! I was concerned that it wasn't the pellet litter they were used to at the shelter, but yay!
Seeing them together makes me see how devastating it would be to separate them. No regrets there. I hope, lol.
Still so far no blink from Cassie. She smelled my hand after I pet the boys and still no reaction. Still a bit nervous about it.

A bonus- their shelter photo!
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I just found out.. they were rescued from the hoarder house on November 9. The same day Monet passed.
I feel like it was fate and Monet chose them for me
Melt my heart! That’s so precious!

Love their shelter pic! :happyhearts:
thanks all!

I've been watching them on my security camera while at work. They're still in the bathroom away from my other cat. They've been sleeping all day, Rembrandt's all stretched out and comfortable. I wonder if this is the first real, peaceful sleep they've had since they've always been surrounded by dozens and dozens of cats.
Some fun evening updates.

The boys LOVE LOVE to be brushed! I managed to snip out some of the matts and I'm sure they are happier! I swear Rembrandt must be half ragdoll by the way he just flipped over and exposed his belly for pets. I'm surprised, coming from a hoarder home they probably never experienced being brushed before. He's going to be a greedy lover, he kept shoving Dali out of the way. Don't worry, Dali got lots of love too.

I gotta do the nails tomorrow when the trimmer comes in. I'm nervous, they are overgrown and don't seem to like their paws held. If I can do one or two claws at a time, great!


Cassie is now fully aware of the boys. She's nervous, didn't eat too much of her dinner. Hopefully she will eat it later. She's focused on the bathroom with uncertainty. At least she's not puffed up, growling, hissing or her ears are flattened back. And her routine with me has not changed, our relationship hasn't changed. She's probably more confused and nervous than upset. I ordered a feliway diffuser to help her calm down. She did eat some treats right outside the door so I know she's not TOO nervous. Good signs I'd say for introductions
I’m so glad they’re such friendly cats you have considering their background! Monet chose to send some precious souls your way. It probably helps a ton that they’re both together. My first pair of cats were two sisters who had been rehomed twice before coming to this household. They had shared trauma which I’m sure these two may have as well. They probably feel a lot better in their fur after the brushing

Perhaps try to get them used to having their paws touched? That way it could prepare them for the clips

Hopefully soon enough Cassie would be zooming about and snuggling up to them two and not get too territorial

Do you have any idea when their birthday may have been? Or would you choose for it to be today, when their new lives began?