Twinkle-eye's big ol blank custom base collection!


Rusty pony revitaliser
MLPTP Supporter
Sep 9, 2022
Hey all! Just making a place for some blank pony bases that I will be using as quick print outs for all my customs. Feel free to print them out too! Will be adding these as I go for all the customisers who want a quick base to colour in and customise.

Today's pony is the bride pose! I have a low contrast version for drawing over if you will be adding bits and bobs to the pony. I will be adding horns to this one! They are hairless, so length and style can be added later. Her front leg looks weird :D


It truly is a hard life trawling through doll customiser youtube videos and gazing at Arthur Rackham and Brian Froud illustrations,lol.
What an excellent idea! I'm glad you decided to share, I'll have to reference these in the future for my own custom planning.
I have a request!

For Christmas I asked for that Dancing Butterflies HQG1C blank. I don’t know if I’ll get it but I would like to scribble down some designs if that’s okay :Flutter4:
I am not that good at planning things. When I come to do a project I usually jump straight in instead of planning. For this, I tried to go with a style like my drawings. I am not totally sure if I’ll translate this into a pony or change the idea since, well, bad at planning, but I quite like this. The mane and tail choice was the idea of using up what I had left from Baby Bouncy and the hooves were from I did a custom for my best friend and I really liked how I did the hooves with chalk and brush. The body is rather plain but my drawings usually focus on the colourful face patterns
Thanks for the base! :Flutter4:
Aw thats awesome!! Are you going to blush the hooves with pastels? Thought of a name yet?
Aw thats awesome!! Are you going to blush the hooves with pastels? Thought of a name yet?
I have no clue with the name yet and yes, I think I will blush the hooves. I did it on a G4 when making a pony for my best friend and it turned out really well so I think it’ll look just as good on a G1 style pony too

The name might suddenly come to me while making or after I finished, that’s how it seems to work sometimes when I make things
Thank you again Twinkle! Since I was surprised with a brother blank under the tree, I’m able to use another of your bases
Aw, he looks frosty cool!
These are great! I'd like to request the Baby Glory pose-- it sometimes seems like I work with Baby Glory and Baby Moondancer more than any other ponies