What games are you looking forward to buying?

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Jun 25, 2014
Kid Icarus Uprising-I was told that since I have a love/hate relationship with the original KI game that I'd feel the same way about this one. That's fine with me.

SSB4-this'll be our first Smash game! and oh my Gods its got Mega Man and Duck Hunt Dog and Palutena looks SOOO cool! Yes yes yes!

Kirby Triple Deluxe-Kirby is a joy to play period the end. :D

Hopefully they'll bring Splatoon to the 3DS. Won't hold mah breath though
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Looking forward to getting Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, but I need to finish up X first and get my Pokemon banked for transfer. There isn't a lot coming out at the moment that I'm interested in, but I'm still trying to get hold of the last Sims 3 expansions I need for cheap, and I'm excited for Persona 5 to come out next year.
Not sure what games I want yet but I know I want a PS4 and a Wii U. I have a PS3 and a Wii which I love, but it'd be awesome to upgrade to be able to play all the new stuff, the Wii U games especially, I really want Mario Kart 8.
I need Smash Bros. I neeeeed it. Palutena and the Koopa Kids? Heck yes! :ponylove: I'm also really excited for Omega Ruby and a new Harvest Moon game.
I wish I wasn't so poor then i could buy the games I have been looking at for awhile now likeThe Dead Linger, 7.62 High Caliber, Beamng Drive, and Neo Scavenger.,
Well my husband can't wait until the 3rd which the new Call of Duty comes out. Lol He preorder it so he gets it early. I preorder the 3rd installment of Dragon Age. I don't think it comes out until the 18th. We play on XBox 360 & XBox 1.