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Yarn crafters unite!

My current wip it's gonna be a cardigan
I a modified shell stitch so that it creates little bumps! <3
No pattern free style
Will keep you updated on progress
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Hi fellow fiber enthusiasts! It's been a while!

This year hasn't been great for me, and getting projects done has been more than difficult. I completed one, need to graft the second, and am working on the third.

This is a Sideways Chevron hat I knit for a local yarnbombing that is going to happen soon in our downtown area. I haven't been able to get it to the group doing the yarnbombing though!

sideways chevron hat.jpg

Next is the Jester Cowl:


It's made out of cotton, so it'll stretch as it's worn (nature of cotton). I have to block it this weekend and graft the ends together. I'll add a finished picture when that's done.

mitten start.jpg

Finally! Starting my first (and maybe last!) set of mittens. I despise working on double point needles, but the magic loop method continues to elude me, so DPNs it is.

Also, if anyone has ANY ideas for this yarn, I'd love to hear them. I got this set on a whim, and I have NO idea what to do with it except make one giant shawl. It's ten colors, 80 yards of each. Meaning 800 yards! That's a LOT of yarn. All I can find when I do a search on Ravelry for that much yarn is sweaters...ugh.

Also, if anyone has ANY ideas for this yarn, I'd love to hear them. I got this set on a whim, and I have NO idea what to do with it except make one giant shawl. It's ten colors, 80 yards of each. Meaning 800 yards! That's a LOT of yarn. All I can find when I do a search on Ravelry for that much yarn are sweaters...ugh.

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Hmmm to me it's asking to be made into a cardigan just from the look, I'd have to feel it In my hands to be sure

Or maybe something like this!
Hi fellow fiber enthusiasts! It's been a while!

This year hasn't been great for me, and getting projects done has been more than difficult. I completed one, need to graft the second, and am working on the third.

This is a Sideways Chevron hat I knit for a local yarnbombing that is going to happen soon in our downtown area. I haven't been able to get it to the group doing the yarnbombing though!

View attachment 62194

Next is the Jester Cowl:

View attachment 62195

It's made out of cotton, so it'll stretch as it's worn (nature of cotton). I have to block it this weekend and graft the ends together. I'll add a finished picture when that's done.

View attachment 62196

Finally! Starting my first (and maybe last!) set of mittens. I despise working on double point needles, but the magic loop method continues to elude me, so DPNs it is.

Also, if anyone has ANY ideas for this yarn, I'd love to hear them. I got this set on a whim, and I have NO idea what to do with it except make one giant shawl. It's ten colors, 80 yards of each. Meaning 800 yards! That's a LOT of yarn. All I can find when I do a search on Ravelry for that much yarn is sweaters...ugh.

View attachment 62200
Ambah has some cool shawls on ravelry that work with lots of yarn like this.
Super long anime scarf?
You could also do some coordinated pieces since the gradient will still tie it all together...
mismatched but still somehow matched socks?!
the sky's the limit
Reddit Yarn Addicts to the rescue! They found something I love:

That will work for that yarn too. Just use every color until it's gone! I picked up some off-white to go with it and voila!
I made a teeny tiny little g2 MLP baby size hat and scarf and lost it!!! >A< When I find it I will take cute pics!!