'80s vs '07: Moonstone


Current Glory Army: 103; Minty Army: 63
Oct 8, 2008
i remember someone asking a while ago for the differances and i figured i'd photo my '80s Moonstone with my '07 one before i customize the '07 one. boy was i surprised tio see the differances!

*'80s Moonstone is slightly greenish so we're not compareing body color*




Seems similar enough right? Same pose, same colors, same pony right?



the symbols do seem different, however '80s does have wear so maybe it's just me...



holy cow '07 does have super small eyes! and the facial structure even seems different. larger cheek bones and all.


and they switched the blue and green streaks around. dude that's not cool! don't you know your rainbow?




see their feets? the Hasbro stamp is on the wrong foot and '07 says "made in china" instead of just having the country name. and the lifted foot even seems to be in the wrong spot. might just be because '80s has been played with, but it does seem that way...


does someone need to go on weight watchers?


and it even seems that '07 is taller? i mean i saw that he was fatter, head tilted a bit higher and all that fun stuff, but taller?

my conclusion: i think they tried to recreate trhe mold and didn't do that well OR used a forgein mold maybe? but what do i know?

so hope that helps you figure out if you got a '80s or an '07 pony peoples
:reaper: Kat :reaper:
The first time I saw the repros of '80's ponies in the stores, I was a little appalled. I think they look completely different -- I don't like 'em. That's just me :) And after seeing this comparison, I REALLY don't like them! :) No offense to those who might like them!
Thanks for posting these. I like the 80's Moonstone much better than the 07 one.

The first time I saw the repros of '80's ponies in the stores, I was a little appalled. I think they look completely different -- I don't like 'em. That's just me :) And after seeing this comparison, I REALLY don't like them! :) No offense to those who might like them!

Don't feel bad, the majority first reaction was a flinch rather than cooing over in love. Must say the rehash Moonstone looks like she lost weight on the face and limbs, and got curves in all the wrong places. They didn't look attractive in their packaging. I am so used to the old mold that my first encounter with them, I could point out all their differences immediately. Disappointing. They're not that bad when you remove them from their packaging, but I wished they had cared to a little more to aesthetic details.
It's always weird seeing these sets compared with their originals - but in all honesty, i don't think hasbro expected too many people to take them out of their boxes and scrutinize them so closely, i suppose they thought the details don't matter if they're just staying in their box :p

I also think that maybe the hoof stamp differences may be due to new legal requirements? I dunno
I personally think they did a pretty good job. I was really excited when I saw them. Perhaps they were making them a bit obviously different like the much brighter colors and such while keeping them close enough in looks so that people couldn't try to sell them claiming they were the vintage ponies?

Oh, of course I love the vintage ponies better. These re-releases have a certain nostalgic value for me though.
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Perhaps they were making them a bit obviously different like the much brighter colors and such while keeping them close enough in looks so that people couldn't try to sell them claiming they were the vintage ponies?

Thats a good point actually...it does make sense for them to do that
As far as mold differences go I think that most of the molds were sold off after the line ended? Leading to fakies and such like that. So I'm guessing thtey couldn't make more in the same molds, that it was just a try. And I think the rest were just artisic liberties of the people in charge of remaking the ponies. I guess.

I like the first set! Not so much the rainbows.
80s pony wins for me. The 07 one looks like a grandma pony with tiny eyes. Ewwy!
80s is the best... look at the gorgous slightly chubbier face. Nothing compares to an 80's pony. Also you know the 80's pony already has a history... the new one can only dream about... until 20 years down the line when it will too have a history ;)
Thanks so much for the comparison pics! I'd been curious.

Well, the 80s pony is much cuter, but only because of the eye difference. If they gave the remakes cuter eyes, I'd totally be more inclined to buy them. I don't mind ANY of the other differences in the slightest. If anything, I'm glad I won't see any of these chucked in lots in the future and be confused about whether or not they're vintage.

As it is, I was really excited to see your pics because I didn't know they also sparkled the symbols of the remakes. That's a pretty cool touch, so I think I might buy one of those sets now anyway - not that I ever see them in person, though.

Also, I think it's important to buy these to encourage Hasbro. I mean, we've got to hand it to them - they're really really trying in this regard. We've wanted them to re-release the old ponies for a very long time, and even if this isn't 100% faithful to the originals, you can't deny that they're taking baby steps in the right direction.
Also, I think it's important to buy these to encourage Hasbro. I mean, we've got to hand it to them - they're really really trying in this regard. We've wanted them to re-release the old ponies for a very long time, and even if this isn't 100% faithful to the originals, you can't deny that they're taking baby steps in the right direction.

I don't know, I disagree. I see these as little more than rehashes, in the same reguard as the core 7. I don't think it's right that they can just recycle ideas and sell them. If all of the ponies looked like this, I wouldn't buy them, even if they were like the old ones. They were pretty shoddily made, in my opinion, comparable to a fakie. I'm not a big G3 fan, but when they came out they were so unique and beautiful- no rehashing- and close enough to the old ponies they looked similar to collectors, unlike the g2s. That was the right direction, imho.

Not to mention they're only being released as collector bait anyway, I'd hate for them to redo most of the 80s line with slight differences in poorer shape than most of my vintages- might be good for hair transfers if they end up similar, but it's not moving in any direction but backwards, devaluing our current ponies with almost-look-alike reissuses. I thought the rainbow set as it was, was too much. That's just my two cents, though
I'm slightly confused.. possibly because I was blissfully unaware that the 80s ponies were remade in 07? o.0 Have I really been that out of the loop?
I'm slightly confused.. possibly because I was blissfully unaware that the 80s ponies were remade in 07? o.0 Have I really been that out of the loop?
They were reissued in 2007... with slight differences to the vintage ponies. I don't own any reissues and don't plan to own any. G3/ Reissues to me was not nor is my era of collecting. I am faithful to the old ones. I am glad they differ so i don't accidently buy them thinking they are vintage.
I don't know, I disagree. I see these as little more than rehashes, in the same reguard as the core 7. I don't think it's right that they can just recycle ideas and sell them. If all of the ponies looked like this, I wouldn't buy them, even if they were like the old ones. They were pretty shoddily made, in my opinion, comparable to a fakie. I'm not a big G3 fan, but when they came out they were so unique and beautiful- no rehashing- and close enough to the old ponies they looked similar to collectors, unlike the g2s. That was the right direction, imho.

Not to mention they're only being released as collector bait anyway, I'd hate for them to redo most of the 80s line with slight differences in poorer shape than most of my vintages- might be good for hair transfers if they end up similar, but it's not moving in any direction but backwards, devaluing our current ponies with almost-look-alike reissuses. I thought the rainbow set as it was, was too much. That's just my two cents, though

I guess I see where you're coming from, but I wouldn't call it similar to Core 7. With Core 7, ponies are being released immediately after they've just been available (which is obviously ridiculous). These are being made 20 years later, so in theory kids could buy them now that never had the chance to get them in stores originally - and that's sort of the benefit of doing re-releases in the first place.

I wouldn't say they're being released solely as bait, either. I'm one of the aforementioned people who wasn't alive in the 80s. So it's awesome that you and lots of other collectors have these ponies in nice condition from their childhood, but I would open these ponies up and enjoy having them in my collection, as an opportunity to get an old-style pony fresh out of its box.

Along the train of thought of rereleasing the whole 80s line, though, it would really suck if they kept it up this way, in expensive sets of three. I think they should've been making them as singles all this time, and selling them for the $5-6 price of normal G3s.

So I guess it's like when you look a gift horse in the mouth, you'll be justifiably ticked off to find that its teeth are all chipped and falling out... but at least you were given the horse in the first place? If that makes any sense.
I wouldn't say they're being released solely as bait, either. I'm one of the aforementioned people who wasn't alive in the 80s. So it's awesome that you and lots of other collectors have these ponies in nice condition from their childhood, but I would open these ponies up and enjoy having them in my collection, as an opportunity to get an old-style pony fresh out of its box.
So I guess it's like when you look a gift horse in the mouth, you'll be justifiably ticked off to find that its teeth are all chipped and falling out... but at least you were given the horse in the first place? If that makes any sense.

First off, don't get me wrong, it felt pretty good to open up the set of Snuzzle, Minty, and Blossom I got. I never had them, I was also bore in the 90s. I opened my first G1 just four years back, a gift for my birthday to myself. :p And it's ubelievably gratifying. But part of it was just never having the chance to do that before and finally getting it...

I thought it was really cute to re-release the first six. It was their anniversary, and they started it all, how nice! It made me jump for joy! But then the second set came out... and I mean, maybe it's because I already had all six rainbows, but it didn't thrill me. They look and feel cheap, and don't have the same beauty or quality. A big part of collecting to me is not getting things easy, too, I mean- I love my gusty more than my hollywood or Crumpet because I found her for 25 cents in a little antique shop down the street. Not to mention all of the ponies have history... I think it's moving back, not forward, to just copy the ponies. And there's no reason they should. I hate to say it, but it's not the 80s anymore, they don't have the same marketability or look, and well.. it's done before. Kids won't appreciate the history of look of older ponies anymore, for the most part.

I'd just be happy if they came back out with MOs . :) Also, lovely metaphor! Brill. :p It is quite like that.

On another note, interestingly enough, my reissue Minty and Brazilian Minty are just about of the same quality. XD
wow so much contraversy over something i posted XD; who'd've thunk it

for me, i saw the re-releases as an easy way tio get ponys to customize. they were on sale when i first strated; Sin was a re-release Parason after all., they were great learning tools because i coiuld try things on them and it'd be very much the same as a "real" one. that and i use the rainbow tails from these for my Heaven series.

as it is i only opened this one to use Moonstone here to make a custom Italian Blue-Moonstone. i perfer the originals for collecting, but i sorta feel better customizing the re-releases because i know they aren't rare.

i just didn't know they were so different ^^;
:reaper: Kat :reaper:
I thought it was really cute to re-release the first six. It was their anniversary, and they started it all, how nice! It made me jump for joy! But then the second set came out... and I mean, maybe it's because I already had all six rainbows, but it didn't thrill me.

Well, I get what you mean there - if I had all of these ponies already, I wouldn't buy the sets either. But I have 4 of the 6, and only one of those is anything above baity condition. The originals are undeniably better, but these are a fun, accessible alternative. And while I'll agree that having to hunt down the vintage ponies is half the fun, sometimes I just want some in really good condition without paying crazy ebay prices for the MOC classic ponies.

I think it's moving back, not forward, to just copy the ponies. And there's no reason they should. I hate to say it, but it's not the 80s anymore, they don't have the same marketability or look, and well.. it's done before. Kids won't appreciate the history of look of older ponies anymore, for the most part.

I'd just be happy if they came back out with MOs . :) Also, lovely metaphor! Brill. :p It is quite like that.

I was going to say, "Ok, I know the 'chubby' look isn't too marketable these days, but those sweet endearing faces really draw people in!" ...And then I remembered that these ponies have different faces. I don't know, I guess I just like to imagine that kids will like these classic ones as much as the collecting community does. But in short, I guess it's more like, whatever it takes for them to keep rereleasing these things until they reach the really exciting sets.

Amen about the Mail Orders. I wish they would just fast-forward to some more exciting years. You know - some flutters, or even just the Twinkle Eyes. Or sea ponies! Although if they proceeded in order, some baby ponies could be cute.

And lol, thanks. I'm quite the literary genius. :p
:wow1:Great picture reference, I didn't know there was such a big difference! :weird:
I can't really complain about the re-releases..but their eyes are creepy. I think they made them too small, and the outline lines too thin