Do people judge you for your collections?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jul 5, 2014
In the past few months I've really started collecting toys in a big way, and I have always had a soft spot for toy horses, not just MLPs but Tokidoki Unicornos, LalaLoopsy Ponies, Jewel Riders horses, and other horses from the 80's-90s. I had a bunch of toy horses as a kid and I have always been drawn to them and they make up a big part of my collection (along with Playbobil and Lego figures, and Polly Pockets and other things)

The only person who really knows I'm a collector is my boyfriend (and another friend who thinks my collection is cute) and while he doesn't seem to mind or think it's weird he sometimes mocks MLP: FiM and its fans and I am embarrassed to shop for ponies or really browse the toy section while he's with me. Most people I know at work or online (I'm a gamer and nerd so I'm fairly enmeshed with those communities) laugh about people who have big toy collections (especially ponies), saying that they're overgrown children, waste too much money, have no lives, etc. , and I feel like my collection is something to hide even though I don't think there is anything wrong with it and that you should pursue what you love!

Do any of you ever get criticized or face judgement for your MLP or toy collections? What do you do when people say things to you about it? I am pretty sensitive and anxious and it is hard for me to fire back at someone who's being an a-hole...I never really know what to say. The thing is I have been wanting to invite some friends over (I'm usually pretty solitary aside from my BF and a couple of close friends) that I play boardgames with and I'm worried what they will say when they see my display case. Any advice? Thanks!
It 's hard to know what to say, but it can't hurt to say, "some people collect dead bugs, some collect toys..." I mean, dead bugs vs pretty toys... *balances hands* lol I say this as someone who has dead bugs (found already dead, mind you) collected in a few boxes. "To each his/her own" with a nice smile would probably go a long way and indicate that you are neither ashamed of what you collect nor will become defensive about it (sometimes people just want that reaction, ya know?). Hopefully these folks will respect that personal boundary.
Heh. I don't give a toss what my friends or family think of the odd things I compile, but sometimes it does hurt a little knowing someone might think less of me just because my interests differ from theirs.

I actually have a friend who may well become an EX friend soon if she doesn't stop with the snarky comments about my Ponies and books. I know I have a lot of books, but I don't have enough. Same for Ponies. When I start spending the utility bill money on them or something, then it's a problem, but until then... my money, I spend it like I like. I dunno why anyone would want to fuss about how I spend my dosh anyway.

DigitalBritesMom is right though, in general I find a bright cheery smile and a quip of something light like, "Everyone has their passions, this is mine!" is usually enough to stop most people from being too disapproving. Other like my friend... they might need a good conk on the head! :satisfied:
I think I've been really, really lucky to have been born in a place where people just don't really care about those things. Most "normal" people I know (and this includes almost every age, from 20s to 70s and perhaps more) will either go "Oh, really? That's interesting! Tell me more!", to "Huh, well, there are worse things to get interested in, I guess that's okay", to "Oh, okay, cool. *turns attention to something else*, with very little variation in between. There might be people who will judge you quietly, nobody really goes out of their way to actually bother you about it.

In fact, usually, having well-preserved items from your childhood, no matter how old you are, is actually a great conversation starter. It's actually pretty sweet!

Either way, I second what's already been said. If it's my money, nobody has a right to tell me what to do with it. If it's not hurting anyone or anything (important bills, for one), then why should anyone object?
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I've grown to rear my head whenever I mention "I do custom ponies for my income".

If people don't like it, they usually don't say much but a lot of people I expected not to approve of it, were completely gaga over them and I was like "Are you serious?"

I'm so used to flack for the fact I use My Little Ponies as my canvas of choice for custom doll art, but the realist in me just says "how is it any better or worse than any other form of canvas".

I think the worst reaction I've endured was when I was setting a display of my customs at my local fair last year... a guy, I think was on community service while in juvenile detention was like "omg ponies? Seriously?" and was rudely laughing and trying to mock~ but... juvenile... detention... I just shrugged and continued setting up my display~

I find most my friends do tend to think it's a bit odd especially the toy collection but I really just shrug it off we all have our things we enjoy. If anyone is rude about it that's their problem and they need to look at themselves. Be proud!
Yes, sadly. :( I'm afraid to have people over because of the opinion they will have of my apartment full of toys. My Major collections are My Little Ponies and Transformers. ;) And dragons.
But I should try not to worry about what other people think. I am working on loving myself and need to be more confident.
I'm lucky my husband is super supportive of my passions. My friends are as well and in fact will feed it more than anything :) my mother is the only one who mocks me and I had to cut her out if my families' lives because she is a toxic and horribly negative and judgemental person overall. I guess I just mean if they don't live you for who you are, ponies and all, they aren't worth being a part if your life.
Sure, people will judge. It's hard not to but I've found most people are polite to my face. They might talk about me later but so what? Ive actually found most people to be amused/interested.

My husband had a work buddy over one time and he took him in my pony room. I heard the guy scream, literally scream, from the other side of the house. "THIS IS SO COOL!!!!" And he proceeded to whip out his cell phone and send pictures to his twin brother. Turns out, they collect signed memorabilia. So we both just "get" the whole collecting thing. :LOL:

Don't let the negative reactions get you down. And, some people that start off as negative might warm up to your collection if given a little time and if they see that it's fun and rewarding for you. Real friends will care about your happiness.
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so what if they do? one of my relatives thinks it's childish that I collect toy horses (ponies included) and it doesn't bother me in the least. collecting toys isn't hurting anything and it makes you happy so don't let those people bug you.
It can only bother you if you let it. I have a whole pony room in my house and all my friends, family and coworkers know about my collection, several have even come over and seen it. I've gotten mixed results, some think it's awesome , some just don't get it but you have to not worry about them. As long as it's something that you enjoy that's all that matters. I don't try or feel like I even need to explain myself, if someone says something negative about me collecting ponies I just shrug it off and say, to each their own. I think if people think they'll get a rise out of you they'll nitpick at it but if they see you're confident in who you are and don't really care what they think they will drop it.
Thanks for all the advice everyone...I'm sorry for those of you who don't have supportive people in your lives :(...It's true that everyone pursues whatever makes them happy and for some of us it's ponies! I like the idea of just being confident and brushing it off. I guess from what others have said some people might even admire my collection!

Also the commenter who mentioned people collecting dead insects...I'm a biologist and lots of my old friends collected insects and plants, and there is one guy who collects skulls and bones and animal teeth! I guess to each their own! XD
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Thanks for all the advice everyone...I'm sorry for those of you who don't have supportive people in your lives :(...It's true that everyone pursues whatever makes them happy and for some of us it's ponies! I like the idea of just being confident and brushing it off. I guess from what others have said some people might even admire my collection!

Also the commenter who mentioned people collecting dead insects...I'm a biologist and lots of my old friends collected insects and plants, and there is one guy who collects skulls and bones and animal teeth! I guess to each their own! XD

That's it exactly. Life is way too short to not embrace the things that make you happy!!!!
Let your Geek Flag fly!! It is healthy to have something to be passionate about and that just makes you feel good to have them in your life. I get made fun of all the time by my friends and family but it has always been lighthearted (and most of them keep a lookout for ponies for me!) You will always come in contact with negative people and I know it can be hard but if something makes you happy then be proud of it! :tongue:
when it comes to close friends and family, they all know i still have my ponies. i don't think my mum would appreciate just HOW many ponies i have now XD but nonetheless they don't care, and actually will buy me both ponies and pony related things. my bf gives me pony stuff for my birthday and christmas, so i'm very lucky ^_^

when it comes to telling people i don't know, i'm often a bit veary. it doesn't come up in conversation often, but i'm careful with who i tell. for sure.
Yeah, I have a issue with that myself. My sister and 2 of my friends don't care, they actually collect toys too, so we help each other out with finding stuff, but when my Dad comes into my room, he goes off on a little rant saying "That I am a grown woman, and should have a grown up room, so should sell all of my stuffed animals, action figures, etc. because grown up's don't have such things." (And yet, he fuels my collecting by paying for stuff at thrift stores, or checking thrift stores while he's at work in another state, I am so very confused by why he does this, but he does this with other things I do as well)

Heck, I actually used to have a TON of betta fish that were near death that I would save from Pet stores and heal them before my Dad told me to stop as well, now I only have 3 little betta's and I am not allowed to buy anymore fish in general. After that, I went with expanding my collections, since it was the only thing I could really buy for myself. Though, I really miss going to my local Petsmart and picking up the sick betta's and giving them a new and happy life~ (Maybe whenever I get my own place, I will save betta's again)
That sounds terrible KasaraWolf...I'm sorry your dad can't just leave you alone. I think a lot of people have that idea about toy collectors, like we need to "grow up" or something but I can't think of anything more juvenile and childish than telling people they can't like something or do something that isn't harmful and that makes them happy!
Yeah, I have a issue with that myself. My sister and 2 of my friends don't care, they actually collect toys too, so we help each other out with finding stuff, but when my Dad comes into my room, he goes off on a little rant saying "That I am a grown woman, and should have a grown up room, so should sell all of my stuffed animals, action figures, etc. because grown up's don't have such things." (And yet, he fuels my collecting by paying for stuff at thrift stores, or checking thrift stores while he's at work in another state, I am so very confused by why he does this, but he does this with other things I do as well)

Heck, I actually used to have a TON of betta fish that were near death that I would save from Pet stores and heal them before my Dad told me to stop as well, now I only have 3 little betta's and I am not allowed to buy anymore fish in general. After that, I went with expanding my collections, since it was the only thing I could really buy for myself. Though, I really miss going to my local Petsmart and picking up the sick betta's and giving them a new and happy life~ (Maybe whenever I get my own place, I will save betta's again)

The fact that he still scouts them out for you on his own means he cares that you are into them and deep down doesn't have a problem with it~

Sounds more like he wants to control your out-going money. In actuality there was nothing wrong with saving almost-dead fish either~

could be a combination of both he's embarrassed to admit that there's nothing wrong with collecting a toy as an adult (especially since he hunts them down for you) and sheer control~

My stepdad was very controlling, as well. There was very little people could do that wasn't his idea, that he would approve of~

Although my pony customizing was something he supported full-heartedly, which surprised me a bit~ he even gave me Native beading books before he passed away~
When I was in high school I remember I was very careful who I told about my collection. I was afraid that people would make fun of me. I was always really lucky tho that my close friends and family understood and were always helpful about it. I suppose it also helps that my dad collects vintage toys too, so it's a family thing...:winkpony: Sometimes when you tell people they can surprise you and even help you with your collection. Anyways I used to be really shy about it when I was younger and never really told many people. I remember even going to a garage sale and asking about a toy and the woman selling was like "is it for you? HAHAHAHAHAHA!" like that was the funniest thing she had ever heard. I remember I was: "like ya it's for me! I collect these things!" the woman stopped laughing and was really surprised, lol. As I got older I stopped caring about all kinds of silly stuff. I am more confident in a lot of ways, including my collection :)

You know what? when some people find out they still make fun of me! but I don't care anymore! I remember going to fan expo in Toronto with a bunch of friends (and some new people) and everyone was talking about what they collect. The usual stuff that you would find at conventions came up like comic books, autographs, manga stuff, figurines. Then it's my turn and I was like "I collect My little ponies" I remember this one guy actually pointed and started laughing at me. He's like those are for kids HA!" I was the one collecting "toys", we were all in our twenties and this guy was acting like a 6 year old. That guy never became my friend but I made a few good ones at the con :) :smilepony:
On another note, my dad collects hot wheels. When he goes to Walmart in the mornings to look for new ones, it's all middle aged men in the hotwheels section looking for new ones for their collections! There are tons of people who collect all kinds of things, none of them are any better or any worse
Not too terribly much so for me at least. I'll get weird looks for buying the toys...that's to be expected though. But never have had any problems when I show off my collections to friends and family, and a lot have even pitched in over the years...even the neighbors and mail carriers. A lot of my relatives collect toys as well so it's not too weird to them.