Do you know...

I could tell you the names of my G1's off the top of my head...but I have a box of 78 G3's that i still haven't had the time to go through and identify xD
Yes, I know exactly who's in my herd :)
LOL YES! However, my memory is a bit fuzzy as to which ponies I sold off, and which I still have, because they were ALL for sale. I do know, though, if I ever had them in the first place. :)

Different story with my nirvanas and Glory/Moondancer variants. I ALWAYS know which of those I have.
I have a small G1 collection, so I know what I have 100% - However, I probably couldn't tell you where/who they came from and for most I can't remember how much they cost.

G3's - no clue. They were bought at yard sales/thrift stores for the kids. If they ever tire of playing with them, I'll see who survived and ID them then!
Im about 99% sure.... though I have got soem doubles by not checking
Well, I can remember all the G1 ponies that I have. Perhaps not by name...but definitely by set and description. Although I don't mind buying repeats if I happen to forget that I already own a pony. lol G3's however, I only remember about 10-20 of them. There are about 40 that I have but wouldn't be positive telling you that I have them. lol. I still have to match up the picture with the name I have on my wish list for G3's. As for G2's, that is easy...I don't have any sadly.
yes and no. if its a g1 i know i dont have then yay for me, if i have it i might get it to see if its better than the one i already have. for g3s, in the past i have had my fair shares of getting a few duplicates by accident. i was still new to them, didn't really recgnize their names or look. i just saw a cute new pony i thought i didnt have and bought. now i dont buy g3s so much anymore.