least favorite G1??

The eyelash princesses really creep me out. I secretly cut the eyelashes off the purple one when I was little. I felt SO guilty about cutting anything off a pony - but it did make her look better. Too bad she's still posed like a camel.
*licks finger and holds it in the air to discern the wind* I forecast a lot of "Baby Frosting" (or Beddie-Bye Eyed Babies in general).

While I'm not the biggest BBE fan in the world I can normally tolerate them, Heartthrob and Lofty and even pretty cute but Baby Frosting is the ugliest pony I've ever seen! I bought her because she was the last pony I needed to complete the Partypack and when she arrived she was a lot more um . . . lime than I expected.
I love Baby Frosting, but that's probably because I had him when I was little. To me, the ballerina ponies are pretty ugly. They look disproportionate and weird.

My theory is that the Drink 'n Wets aren't real ponies at all. They're the Ponyland equivalent of the "I Love Ewe" inflatable sheep.

:hysterical: Pepsi does not feel good coming out your nose! I'll never look at the Drink 'n Wets the same way again.
Mine is probably Cotton Candy.

First off, she's all pink.
Second, I've only ever found her (except once) WITHOUT a tail. So now I suddenly have a small platoon of Tailless Cotton Candy's. They've slowly started to invade my trade box...

See with the BBE's, I only really don't like them when their eyes are all rusted, THEN they are really creepy...:black_cat:
I don't really have a specific pony persay, but there are poses I really don't like. for instance Shady's pose and Cherries Jubilee's pose. Yuck
My least favourite is Mimic, for a lot of reasons
One, she has diamonds in here eyes. I feel like the TE ponies must be screaming inside "AHHH! Get these things out of my eyes!!"
Two, her colour. The weird mix of yellow and puke green does nothing for me -_-
Three, she's a unicorn. Horns look like tools, like she should be digging in the sand box or garden not prancing around daintily like some of the other prettier ponies
and Four is that I am somewhat scared of birds and her symbol creeps me out.
I would have to say drink in wet are disturbing as much as the BBE. ( my heart gos out to those poor creatures.) I have a chewed baby frosting whod be perfect for halloween. I guess I just feel sorry for her. :/
I would have to say Rapunzel only because she is so expensive and rare and I probably will never be able to own her.
Those eyelash ponies are scary. Yeesh.

As a kid, I was scared of the TEs. I never owned one. I have one in my collection, and it's by accident. I have to face her away from me. I'm afraid of the hypnotizing power of...the EYEZ OF DOOM.

(can you tell I'm digging through old topics once more?)

I dislike the Ballerina ponies, they're too bendy. They are almost not like MLPs, IMHO... too freaky for me.

I'm not crazy about the glitter-filled ones and the perfume puff ponies, either. Perhaps because I never had them as a child, so now they look odd to me. I might grow to like 'em ;)
I'm not keen on quite a few of them actually, come to think about it. I can't stand the Sweetheart Sister ponies or the baby brother ponies. I used to detest Mimic, but now she's kinda grown on me and I'm thinking about buying her. I don't like the second set of princess ponies or Rapunzal... LOL, I could go on...
Hmm, my least favorite would have to be Tootsie. The green is a nice shade, but the name!!! Why not 'Lolly' or 'Sweetpop' or something?!
This will probably get me killed but I can't stand the Merry Go Rounds. Out of all the ponies out there I can't stand them at least, as far as the G1s. I might have liked it more if there was some variety in the assortment like a unicorn or a pegasus.
pretty much all bbe's are ugly to me... even if they aren't all rusted in the eyes they are creepy looking