least favorite G1??


I never really like the perfume puff ponys, There hair is so hard to do anything with and some of the smells were not that great.
I do like the perfum puff house though, that is pretty cool looking.
well , I really don't care for flutter ponies, they can be cute but most of the time their wings are missing or broken. that would bother me to collect them. oh and i agree with the perfume ponies, before i found out about the the pony websites i got one at the thrift store and didn't know the hair was soposed to be that way and i loped it off. i was so mad when i found out what i did. lol
Even if you have a perfume puff in mint condition the hair stays one way but gettting them in bait condition is even worse.
I have thought of just chopping it off myself

Hehe. This is such a sad thread. Poor unloved ponies. :p

I have to say I agree with the BBE. And also the drink and wet babies. To me, they just looks stupid with their mouths like that.
i also don't like the shady pose, i like the ponies just wish they weren't in that pose. the same goes for the cherries jubilees pose..... and the flutters look like they have frog faces but i still collect them.
I don't like uhh.
Darn this is really hard. I'm not fond of the CJ pose but I like her as a pony. That voice in the cartoon was too cute.
I spose I'm not fond of Shady but I think that was only because she was such a whiner drama queen in the show.. (Ever seen the glass princess?.. Ugh!)
I wouldn't go as far as to say I hate any pony out there though.
I think boystenberry pie is growing on me.. It may still take some time but the BBE babies did it and tootsie too! They've wormed their ways into my heart so who knows :p
I'd have to agree with most people, the BBE ponies.

I have one and I have to turn the pony around. I cant see how I ever played with it as a kid.
i dont know what im not a fan of. i like a lot of them.
i guess the dream beauties. they dont quite fit being apart of mlp.
I never liked Tootsie. That pose was just off somehow. That said, I really don't like Rapunzel either. Sure, awesome concept, but her colors are kind of clashing. Too bold and dark.
Tootsie is a hoe! I tells ya!
:black_cat1:I spray on Tootsie.
I used to not like bbe but after having some I like them now.
there is really no g1 pony I dont like. but there are some that I would get rid of sooner then others if I had to sale part of my collection. some of those would be the brush and grow ponies and the soda sipping ponies.
I have a big list of ponies actually I don't care for. Most of them are foreign ponies though. But as for the us and uk-
beautiful bows or any hair do ponies really(what was hasbro thinking?)
shady(body and hair is way too bright)
beddy eyed ponies(hasbro could of made them much cuter I think)
rapunzel(don't understand why people collect her or her price range)
all shsp(never got into them)
the uk sunbright family(don't like anything about them)

The funny thing is I grew up with a few beddy eyed ponies. So you would think I would have a soft spot for them. But no.

And my list continues. I'm picky about what ponies I collect. I have to like all their colors and symbols.
What about ponies with hair that's due to frizz instantly???:reaper: