Let's hear some hot takes!

G1 Teeny Tiny Babies dont look like horses

or let me rephrase that - they look like all the things that people dont like in g4 or g5 with the short/flat face, small muzzle, with big eyes, but people still let the teeny tinys pass, i guess its cause they are g1
You're so right about this... I think it comes down to the details. To me the teeny tinies look less... Yassified? Than the later gens. They still have G1 style eyes, they're still chubby and silly. I feel like the later gens look not like horses in a "Cool" way, while the teeny tinies look not like horses in a Goofy way.
That's just me though! And tbh I'm not a vehement hater of those traits in g4 or g5 either, so *shrug*
I don’t like the merponies in any gen. Seaponies are fine but merponies…?
G3 is the only gen that has good, aesthetically pleasing, stuffed toys.

Most MLP songs are mediocre, sprinkled in with some good ones.

Cutie mark is a stupid term that makes me cringe every time I hear it. Especially when applied to older ponies. It sounds like they're trying too hard to be cute and failing. It's just as bad as Care Bears Belly Badge. Symbols for all.

Speaking of Care Bears, they're roughly as old and have been doing FAR better then MLP in the toy and toon department in every conceivable way.

G3 was the last time MLP was truly good.
Cutie mark is a stupid term that makes me cringe every time I hear it. Especially when applied to older ponies. It sounds like they're trying too hard to be cute and failing.
And brushable being applied to everything with hair.
I actually prefer to call them “symbols” too but sometimes “cutie mark” slips out instead. And I agree with the “brushable” term too
The basic fun stuffed toys are cute. Forgot to mention those.
i do not like the sleepy newborns xD i think they are butt ugly and will never own one by my own choice

Sleepy newborns scare me XD
They have the BBE glass eyes...but bigger. I definitely remember thinking they were terrible looking as a kid. Hasbro were trying to compete with baby dolls or something.

If I came across one at a garage sale or thrift store for cheap I probably get it. It's still G1 and someone else might want it.
They have the BBE glass eyes...but bigger. I definitely remember thinking they were terrible looking as a kid. Hasbro were trying to compete with baby dolls or something.

If I came across one at a garage sale or thrift store for cheap I probably get it. It's still G1 and someone else might want it.
same, i wont go like, specifically out lookin for one, but if one comes across me cheap, ill get it
G4 fans need to leave the G1 and G3 cartoons alone.

We all know, you don't like it. You've been shouting about it for over a decade. It wasn't made for you. And trust me, whatever you want to say about it has been said at least a million times.

Please shut up, and go home to your soulless funko pops. Thank you.
G4 fans need to leave the G1 and G3 cartoons alone.

We all know, you don't like it. You've been shouting about it for over a decade. It wasn't made for you. And trust me, whatever you want to say about it has been said at least a million times.

Please shut up, and go home to your soulless funko pops. Thank you.
But this can also be said to people who are pure G1 who do not like anything about g4 and they let everybody know they dont like them constantly lol

Either way - everybody needs to respect the entire pony line cause to be truthful, we all have a love for the same thing in one way or another - ponies