MLP Equestria Girls Trailer


They could be leaving their jobs because they feel threated in many ways. One being they aren't celebrities and they don't feel safe from the threats. They also could feel their hard work isn't being appreciated and would rather go someplace else. They animate because they love it and what they produce. They want people to like it, they maybe find their talents are going to be appreciated some place else. It has nothing to do with being thick skinned, this is their their passion and job. Also the negative feedback could invoke fears of potential lay offs , who knows. Everyone acts differently towards something, they aren't weak because of it.

Depends on the criticism regarding art. That is another discussion
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What people don't realize is that the DHX crew really didn't have a choice. Hasbro said to DHX "Make us a movie so we can sell the ponies as human girls, it's gotta have high school and Sunset Shimmer as a villian." Meghan McCarthy et al can grumble about it, but it's their job. We've all had to do things at work we haven't wanted to do, but I never got death threats for taking a long time to ring up a $500 order.

There's too many entitled people who think that the entire show is made just for them because of all the fan nods and they forget that this show is made for children to sell children's toys.
Apparently the more popular/famous you are, the thicker your skin is suppose to magically be so you soak all the crap in that people fling at you.

Nope, doesn't work that way... rolling hate off your back like rolling water off a duck's back, works in some situations but repeated prolonged instances can traumatize a person.

No matter how famous or popular they appear to be.

Jealousy is never a legitimate excuse to tare others down and fling death threats; murders can some times spring from such situations.

I hope these guys get the right support to continue their project even if it means contacting law enforcement to do so.

Sometimes the law has to put people back in their place.
I'm going to see this in theaters out of morbid curiosity. I saw all three Bayformers movies in the theaters, so I should at least show Equestria Girls the same respect.

I don't consider the reaction to be the same as the reaction to Beast Wars because Equestria marks a change to MLP you can't compare Beast Wars to. Beast Wars didn't change the Transformers formula. It was still two factions of transforming robots fighting for supremacy. It's just they took different alternate forms. Also, we already had transformers that took animal forms from as early on as the G1 Dinobots and Insecticons, so it's not like it was unprecedented.

Equestria Girls is not just making the ponies humans. It strips away all the fantasy elements of MLP to throw the characters in a generic high school to have generic high school antics. Twilight has to become the "Princess of the Formal?" Really? That's your plot? It's like they looked at Tales and said "You know, we take this a step further and actually make them human."

And what makes me mad is Equestria Girls gets a cinematic and Blu-Ray release while Friendship is Magic or anything actually MLP doesn't. Hasbro is treating this betrayal of the brand better than their flagship brand with little girls for the past 30 years.
What people don't realize is that the DHX crew really didn't have a choice. Hasbro said to DHX "Make us a movie so we can sell the ponies as human girls, it's gotta have high school and Sunset Shimmer as a villian." Meghan McCarthy et al can grumble about it, but it's their job. We've all had to do things at work we haven't wanted to do, but I never got death threats for taking a long time to ring up a $500 order.

There's too many entitled people who think that the entire show is made just for them because of all the fan nods and they forget that this show is made for children to sell children's toys.

It's like I said elsewhere, sometimes I wish that Hasbro had never started catering to anyone other than their primary audience. People obviously don't appreciate it.

And what makes me mad is Equestria Girls gets a cinematic and Blu-Ray release while Friendship is Magic or anything actually MLP doesn't. Hasbro is treating this betrayal of the brand better than their flagship brand with little girls for the past 30 years.

You...are aware of the 1986 My Little Pony movie, aren't you? The one that introduced the Flutter Ponies? The same movie that was a complete and utter bomb?
You...are aware of the 1986 My Little Pony movie, aren't you? The one that introduced the Flutter Ponies? The same movie that was a complete and utter bomb?
Yes I am aware of of the 1986 movie. I did an almost hour long review of it where I went over the ridiculous production schedule, the stupid decisions forced the crew by Hasbro, the corners cut to make it, and how it bombed.

The Transformers movie released that same year also bombed despite them sparing expense. It's poor performance didn't stop Hasbro from green lighting a Transformers movie and putting Michael Boobs 'n Booms Bay in the director's chair for it...and then letting him make three more Transformers movies.

The performance of the animated movies almost 30 years ago aren't dictating Hasbro's moves now. Though, I am worried that they're repeating the mistakes of the 1986 MLP movie where they put TV people in charge of a feature film. Equestria Girls screams "episode" only made louder that DHX and Hasbro staff working Friendship is Magic are making it and you don't put episodes in theaters.
FiM is getting a ton of DVD releases and will be getting Blu-ray releases soon, if not already. EqG isn't even really getting a theatrical release, as it's not being put out in most theaters. It's only really happening at ~200 theaters and only for a really short time frame.
I think the ONLY theater in Oklahoma showing it is in the town where I went to college.

There is a bigger population of college students there than actual residents, which makes me wonder who the target demographic actually is. And most of the students will be gone on summer break when this is released there, so...
What people don't realize is that the DHX crew really didn't have a choice. Hasbro said to DHX "Make us a movie so we can sell the ponies as human girls, it's gotta have high school and Sunset Shimmer as a villian." Meghan McCarthy et al can grumble about it, but it's their job. We've all had to do things at work we haven't wanted to do, but I never got death threats for taking a long time to ring up a $500 order.

There's too many entitled people who think that the entire show is made just for them because of all the fan nods and they forget that this show is made for children to sell children's toys.

Everything you said Phekzhen. Also, everything that darcerin said. Seriously, death threats over a kid's show! It's unbelievable.

TippyToes, your flippant attitude to death threats is troubling at best. It doesn't matter if these are empty threats. In this world, you can't take things like that as a joke anymore. (Also hoping that those people get caught.) I can see why these people might want a different job after all this.

Also, ranty-rant time: I am sick and tired of people saying in articles and comments that "they're skinny, obviously they're anorexic." This is so unbelievably untrue and it smacks of ignorance and hatred to label all thin people as anorexic. Not all anorexic people are thin, and it's ignorant to make statements about a mental disorder. Ugh. Rant over.
Opinions are just that, opinions. However immature or stupid anyone's ( including my own ) opinion is, everyone has the right to have one. I don't like FiM. I don't like FiM fanfic. I dislike the FiM fandom just as much. I don't mind people like it and I wouldn't criticize someone who does like it.

When you put yourself out there in the public eye, you are going to get critics, haters, fans, ect,... To think that no one in this thread has ever criticized some stranger in public is asinine. We are all guilty of doing so and in varying degrees of criticism from laughing to crude comments between friends and so on. Put on your big girl panties as the saying goes... ( not directed at anyone ) and deal with it. Someone calls me stupid, immature or sends me a death threat on the internet, I won't loose any sleep over it. Neither should anyone else that knows better. I'm sorry I don't shed a tear every time some stranger over the 'net says bad things to me.

MLP FiM, Power Puff Girls, Rocko's Modern Life, Disney movies... I can tell you that the adult humor in children's shows is blatantly there. Kids aren't going to get the dirty jokes so why even put them in the show? So to say that all cartoons are strictly for kids is asinine. Games rated M for mature still find their way into kids hands... and adults are the ones who put them there.

Hasbro/FiM catered to their adult fan base way more than they should have done. Derpy being a prime example. Did little kids see Derpy as a drama source? To most kids, Derpy was along the same lines of goofy characters like Goofy, the Abominable Snow man from Looney Tunes and so on... No. Adults did. Adults stomped their feet and crossed their arms and Hasbro/FiM squashed Derpy because of adult out cry.

Now Derpy is set to be released by Hasbro in a fan favorite collection? Again, catering to the adult fan base.

If the staff at DHX and Hasbro feel they are not working at a safe work place environment then they have every right to leave and find another job. Just as the companies Hasbro and DHX are by law, required to create and maintain a safe work environment.

As unpopular as my opinion may be, it's still my opinion.
Having and voicing an opinion is fine. Even hurling insults at someone in regards to their profession is fine. However, when you get personal and especially threaten someone's well-being, you've crossed a line.

I don't like this idea. However, I won't hold it against the people responsible for making it. They were mandated by Hasbro. They probably put their best effort into making it good given the circumstances. I just think the setting and cliches will drag the whole thing down. I also think Hasbro is doing them a disservice by releasing this in theaters even if it's a limited release.
I'd also like to add that this limited time movie run is probably a toe dip in the waters to see if EqG's is popular enough to spin off MLP FiM and survive on it's own. Of course, if it succeeds we can all expect EqG's merchandise to hit stores shortly afterwards... after all, Hasbro probably has EqG's merchandise/prototypes in the works if not stockpiled in some super secret special warehouse all ready. :rollingeyes:

I'm more than interested in the EqG's toy lines, especially the dolls. I have Monster high, Bratz, Barbie, Cherry Merry Muffins and other dolls and while I don't care for their tv shows/movies, ect,... I do collect the dolls. I don't see inanimate human shaped toys as anorexic, or as "sultry women of the night" or even any of the nasty things most adults label dolls as such. It's a toy. It can't be anorexic.

Highly stylized dolls will always have adults shaking their heads and clicking their tongues. Fortunately, most kids don't do the same. Remember, it's the adults who created such dolls in the first place.

I am not trying to fight with anyone here and posting on the 'net without emotions being portrayed on my posts, I could see how I upset some of you. I am not trying to down play the *supposed death threats ( because none of us has personally, physically seen any ), but seriously, if they are legit then they should be dealing with them accordingly. Just posting/whining/crying that mean people over the computer are saying nasty things to them doesn't seem like they even take them as serious.
EqG merch is a fact that has been known since DECEMBER. Look at the article I wrote about the trademarks Hasbro filed on EqG for ponies, dolls and doll accessories: Hasbro Files “Equestria Girls” Trademark, Points to Dolls, Pony Toys | Derpy Hooves News

It's going to have online YouTube content, probably a web series a la Monster High. I'm honestly surprised no one has found EqG merch on Taobao yet. We're going to see the dolls and toys at SDCC at the absolute latest.

The DHX crew isn't whining/crying about people saying mean things to them. They are seriously considering a professional career move in order to end harassment. The show crew gets harassed on GOOD days.
Maybe wanting to write for the show is not such a good thing.

I didn't realize they were being harassed on a regular basis. Though, there are a lot of people who were disappointed by Season 3. We had one long wait, then a shortened season, and now an even longer weight with only EgG being released during it. Apparently tempers are starting to flair about the franchise in general.
So, how many death threats does it take for one to become that jaded to receivng them, TippyToes?
Phekzhen, Trademarking characters and names does not always mean merchandise. It's a good indication though that they are protecting ideas but seriously... there is a list of unproduced trademarked items out there as well.

Also, having worked in very high stressed jobs, I can tell you this much. The job pays you even if you absolutely hate the work. If the pay doesn't justify the job, then of course people quit. I served tables for years to pay for my education. I've been called stupid, ******** and even had some regulars who made very nasty comments about me in a sexual manner. If I didn't like the money I would have quit a long time ago.

Sorry if I assumed incorrectly that having a thick skin was a good thing to have in a world where everything is scrutinized on a molecular level.

I'm sorry I can't answer your question, Skeen. :3 I wouldn't know. I don't let "internet tough guys" get to me. I also don't make death threats over the 'net. It's the internet. One minute your ordering pizza, the next your watching some funny cat videos.

If people on the internet ruffle your feathers, you might want to unplug the computer for a while. Go for a walk. Bake cupcakes.

As many PONY story lines they could have done for the first FiM theatrical released featured film and this is what they come up with? Hasbro/DHX basically trolled everyone with the best of the worst fanfic they could come up with and called it EqG's . It's not like they didn't get a taste of what the fandom/community was capable of when Alicorn Twilight was leaked/revealed.
Thoughts on Equestria Girls

Actually, a lot of people are freaking out. Let me say some things to calm you people down:

Equestria Girls will not be a show!

It's only a movie. When they said that it would premiere on the Hub this fall, they meant that they would broadcast it on television. Nothing more!

As far as I know, the writers said that it won't affect the cannon of the show. That's just what I've read. But even so, we have to start trusting the writers, guys. They know what they're doing! Sure, they might be doing this just to sell toys, but we have to remember that little girls, who like dolls, also watch this show. But they still love us and don't want to lose our interest.

And I'm probably going to get mauled for saying this, but I'm actually excited! I think it's going to be interesting, and I can't wait to see it. I'm not sure if it's being shown in Maine, though :I

So what do you guys think of Equestria Girls? Feel free to reply! :LOL:
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Well, I'm kinda ambivalent on the whole thing. Teenage high-school drama stories aren't really my thing, but I'll give it a shot either if I find it on DVD, Netflix, or if I happen to be at my sister's house and it's on TV. Like I said, this isn't really my sort of thing, but I always wind up watching things like this or worse *coughcoughBarbiemoviescoughcough*.

To be honest, I'm more interested in what these dolls will look like. Somehow, I've become attracted to these crazy-colored fashion dolls as of late (Novie Stars in particular). Heh, I already picked out my favorite design of the main cast (FlutterShy's), and I may be a little antsy to see if her toy version is any good.

So, I just shrug my shoulders and proceed to waltz down the toy aisle as usual.
Not like my opinion matters, anyhoo.