Moving: Am I being crazy, or...

You're not paranoid. I wish I'd done what you're doing. I moved in with my mom and packed up ALL my ponies to go in storage cause I was only going to be there for 6 months, max, until I got my own place. It's now 5 years later and I've still not got my own place (school and such changed my plans).

I only got my ponies out of storage a short time ago when I was transferring all my stuff from pay storage to by brother's basement. My favourite ponies are still there because they went in with my favourite toy collection and I didn't mark the box like I did for the ponies. Keep your favourites close!

As an aside, it's now time to sell the collection, and there are still ponies unaccounted for that must be in random boxes.
wow I would do all those things everyone is saying! Last I moved I had only 3 ponies, Whizzer, Tink-a-Tink-aToo, and Wysteria. They were my childhood ponies but I still took the best care I could of them :p I had them in a plastic container with a few soft toys. Since then I haven't moved really, just from one part of a small town to just a few blocks away. BUT when I move again I will be treating allllll my ponies very carefully! I know none of the ones I have aren't "worth" much, but they're precious to me XD
I've even built my own display bookshelf just for my collection to keep them safe in my room XD
Well, I'm glad I figured out a good way to do this. All of your encouragement and comments have made me feel a little better!

Now I just need all my ponies and such that are currently in the mail to get here BEFORE I leave home, ha ha!
When I moved I put mine in individual zip lock baggies also, so their paint wouldn't get rubbed. If they are going to be packed away for a long time then make sure if its a clear plastic container that it isn't stored in a room with much natural light or the sun could fade the colors of some of them. So dark cardboard boxes might be better.
With how hard we all work to get out lovely collections. I would want to be very careful not to have any get lost or damaged. So no I don't see it as paranoid.
Not crazy. When I moved across the country, my MIB seaponies got packaged securely and came with me on my carry on. :)

When I had to abruptly move to Ontario a few years back, I worked, came home and packed my collection until I couldn't function any longer. I got like three hours or so of sleep each night for a month so it was only ME who would touch, pack, and ship my beloved ponies. My ex was a disaster, the few housewares I didn't have time to pack, that would have made it into two boxes he either "lost" (guessing he spent the shipping money I left on something else), or ended heaped into the one box he did mail for me. So I was VERY thankful I was so paranoid. I don't know what I do if he lost say, the huge shipping crate of MOC ponies I had or piled flutters, wingers and so softs into a heap or something.
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