My Little Pony documentary: My Little Obsession *updates 8/30!*

Wow how fun! Goodluck with it. If you ever pop by England hitch me up hehe xD
The webcam idea sounds like it could help you out Jewel to interview others outside the US
This sounds like such a fun project! I just started collecting and all so I don't have much to show but I would really love to see the final product, I hope we will be able to! Good luck!!
Thank you all for the enthusiasm and all the pm's! :eek:k: Keep em' coming!

If you ever decide to expand to webcam interviews, lemme know, I'd be happy to help out on msn :)

I hadn't considered webcam interviews yet, Bittie, but if I can get the technical aspect worked out, my documentary might get to go a bit more worldwide lol.

Thanks for the idea, and I will let you know! :)
I want to help! Pick me, pick me!
Obviously I'm in the middle of the country so it would have to be something I can do from afar, but anything I can do help I'm in :D
This is really exciting, Jewel!

I can probably help out with the website part of it if you want. If you have some ideas on how you'd want the information to be presented and such, we can talk about it and I will let you know if I'll have enough time to pull it through.

If you do go with the webcam ideas, I'd love to participate. If you do, I'll PM you with the questions you asked.
You know I'm only 30-45 mins from you. Call me anytime you want to set up an interview. :)
Wow this is so cool!!
Well if in the future you ever need a Greek collector's point of view you know who to call! ;)
Good luck! I totally want to see it when it gets finished!
This sounds really cool. I cant wait for the finished project.I live too far away from any of the locations.. sorry, but good luck anyway.
ohh I cant wait to see the finished documentary :)
This is going to be so interesting!! Congrats for the project and for having Hasbro´s approval, that´s awesome! :bliss:

So sad we´re so far away from each other, but if you need a Spanish collector´s opinion anytime, let me know! :yippie: