Season 4 is upon us! Discussion thread time!


MLPTP Supporter
Jun 6, 2005
Hi everyone!

Tomorrow, season 4 of Friendship is Magic begins! :satisfied:

What are you hoping to see this season?

Please remember to post spoilers in WHITE TEXT like so:

This is spoiler information. It spoils the surprise of the upcoming season for those who do not want to know what happens ahead of time. Therefore it is in white text so it has to be highlighted to be read.

Discuss! :smilepony:
I have no idea what to expect... It would be cool if one of the CMC got a cutie mark this season, but that would also spoil their group so do I /really/ want that??

I'm just glad I have a DVR because I'm leaving as soon as it comes on this morning! ;~;
Hi pony friends! I am watching it right now!! I'm loving it so far!
That was Awesome!

Spoilers follow: I *loved* the history we got to see. Seeing Celestia defeat Nightmare Moon, and seeing the sisters defeat Discord, was incredible.Did everypony like it? :)
DavidC, I agree! It was also really neat that Luna was shown in the opening, did you see that? It's also nice to see that Discord actually has a history, and to see that history play out, he doesn't seem quite as randomly placed that way. He really seems to serve a purpose.

I'd been looking forward to seeing how Twilight would do with her wings, it's nice that she didn't just automatically adjust to suddenly being able to fly. The "Shutterfly" part cracked me up, because I have a non pony friend who insists her favorite pony is "Shutterfly" but always calls her that instead of Fluttershy.
Hi Jewel! Yes: I caught that with Luna, brilliant! Discord was well played. Did you see where he mounted Applejack, Discord was dressed like Roy Rogers? :tongue:

I really loved how they handled Twilight's wings, and how things have to change. I thought that this episode was the best writing so far of the series, you could use this 2-parter to teach a scriptwriting course. The "Shutterfly" joke was great. She Stare Mastered Discord, too. All the girls continue to grow. I think the continuity of FiM is one of it's best features.
I did! I was impressed that they went to that level of detail. I know a lot of people were worried that Twilight suddenly being a princess would change too much about FIM, but after 3 seasons.. something has to change, or like you said, the story can't really evolve. I think it's just a new dynamic to an ever-ongoing story that will hopefully create some new and interesting situations in episodes to come.

One thing I couldn't help but notice was that in the first half of the episode I think, right before a commercial break, Fluttershy's eyebrows have lashes lol. It just jumped out at me, and I was amused. And I also always love hearing Zecora's voice, she has such a great tonality and expression. :smilepony:
Oh, I didn't notice that with Fluttershy! I'll have to try to catch that on the repeat. I'm one that never had a problem with the "princessification". We've always known Twilight was special, and it seems like organic character growth to me. I hope today's episodes can help the naysayers see that things are still great.

I'm so happy too, that we're getting a full 4th Season. With the short 3rd, I thought for sure that Hasbro was pulling a Disney and ending the show when it had enough episodes for strip syndication, like Disney did with Kim Possible and Lizzie McGwire, regardless of if there were still stories to tell. I'm thinking and hoping that FiM is a Golden Goose for Hasbro, and that they'll let it run for as long as they *do* tell good stories. :)
OMG I loved it! Couldn't be better :D
and MustBeJewel I did notice that on Fluttershy :p
I have to say, I was definitely impressed, especially since I didn't much care for the Season 3 Finale. And the flashback stuff was great to see. It definitely shed some light on what had happened previously. As much as I'm a bit embarrassed to admit it, I initially didn't get that Twilight was seeing the past, and I thought that Luna was becoming Nightmare Moon again. Yep, I'm pretty sharp :p.

Also, the little scene with Big Mac trying to pull the weeds was quite cute, and I loved the addition of all the supporting characters to the theme song. I also liked the little bit with Spike going over the checklist in his sleep; that made me laugh. And I must agree, the Shutterfly joke was adorable. Funnily enough, I didn't notice the eyelash mistake.

I'm glad they didn't change Twilight too much. I really liked how well the scene in the beginning with the checklist enforced that. Once Twilight, always Twilight. I was a bit worried the show might have "jumped the shark", but it's clear Twilight still has a lot of room for personal growth even if she isn't officially learning from Celestia anymore.

Overall, I really did like it, and I'm certainly looking forward to the rest of the season, especially those six keys... :satisfied:
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I agree... SPOILER
Did anyone see discord in fluttershy's part in the theme? He's behind the cottage window...
I like how they have joined Twilight with the other princesses: they are the sun, moon and stars. Very clever, writers. ;)
I looks really funny whenever you post spoilers... it's like you're playing fill in the blanks

LOL - years ago I belonged to a snarky movie review Forum, and this place would Suspend posters for not using SPOILER tags even for things like:Darth Vader being Luke Skywalker's Dad! I kid you not!

BTW: Rosebud was the *sled*. :surprisepony:
LOL - years ago I belonged to a snarky movie review Forum, and this place would Suspend posters for not using SPOILER tags even for things like:Darth Vader being Luke Skywalker's Dad! I kid you not!

BTW: Rosebud was the *sled*. :surprisepony:

I mod over on Adult Swim and we're told to ban people who spoil films. Any films, new or old. Of course, Turner owns us, so they'd have a stake in it I suppose.

Missed this episode. Hoping to catch it via my niece. I'm hoping she DVr'd it, at least!

Edit: It's on youtube. Saved by the internet!
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I'm hoping they go into more depth about Princess Luna. She's my favorite pony and I would love to learn more about her.

The premier was amazing! Its my favorite so far. I'm glad they showed the battle between Nightmare Moon and Celestia. Skipping through time was a simple but meaningful way to show what happened in history instead of just talking about it.

I hope they keep up the amazing work! :smilepony:

Celestial - agree with you, totally.

evilbunnyfoofoo - I guess I can see the reason, but it always seemed silly that in 2008 were we putting Spoiler tags in a discussion about a 1980(!) blockbuster movie. I mean, does anyone *but* Star Wars nerds discuss the plot points of TESB now?

I certainly don't mind using Spoiler tags for recent and new things. :)
I really liked the season premiere. I thought that having the girls return the Elements of Harmony to the Tree of Harmony was a really interesting move, and I'm excited to see what the girls do when they face adversaries and can't rely on the elements anymore.

I loved how Twilight doesn't have the hang of her wings yet! I really want to see a flashback of Celestia and Luna getting used to their new wings sometime. :smilepony:

It'll also be interesting to see how Twilight's friends adjust to her being a princess now. (Do we need to tag for spoilers from last season? I did, just in case!) Seeing their changed attitudes now that she's a princess is really cool!
I have to say, I was definitely impressed, especially since I didn't much care for the Season 3 Finale. And the flashback stuff was great to see. It definitely shed some light on what had happened previously. As much as I'm a bit embarrassed to admit it, I initially didn't get that Twilight was seeing the past, and I thought that Luna was becoming Nightmare Moon again. Yep, I'm pretty sharp :p.

I didn't realise it was a flashback, either! I actually got a little excited, because I think Nightmare Moon is SO cool-looking! And then disappointment when it was only a flashback. Oh, and Rarity's and Sweetie Bell's horns malfunctioning was really cute, too.
"Castle Mania" was really funny. It would make a great Halloween episode. I *knew* it was Pinkie Pie the whole time,but the reveal was hilarious!!!