Show me your Legend of Zelda themed customs!

back in the 90's, i was in a very famous tv shooooooooooowwww....

man, i'm way too excited for this now, i love doing really subtle sculpting... i can't wait to turn his ears back and get rid of the smile AHAH
My netflix profile is that picture of Bojack sneezing awkwardly.
My netflix profile is that picture of Bojack sneezing awkwardly.
LOL im a skeksis on there, i can't remember which one, it's been a long time since i've seen dark crystal and i didn't watch the netflix show hah
6th grade me would have flipped if she saw these. I was obsessed with Zelda back then. :lolpony: They look great. Now I'm dying to see a Midna custom... hmm, I might just do that when I return home after Thanksgiving.
::whispers loudly through your door-- you get the idea :rofl:
6th grade me would have flipped if she saw these. I was obsessed with Zelda back then. :lolpony: They look great. Now I'm dying to see a Midna custom... hmm, I might just do that when I return home after Thanksgiving.
I would love to see a Midna custom. Don't let me best you to it ;)