The upcoming Equestria Girls dolls (large pic)


MLPTP Supporter
Jun 6, 2005
Emailed to me just a moment ago from a friend.

Let's remember to keep this discussion civil, everyone. :winkpony:

What do you think?


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They're cute, but I'm not gonna rush right out to the store to buy them. I'll have to see them in person to really judge, but they don't do much for me as far as wanting to collect the whole set.

edit to add:
The more I look at them, I really hope they are better in person. It looks like the clothing is very low quality. Is that really plastic upper dresses & simple fabric skirts? If they are looking to attract slightly older girls (the Monster High crowd) with these dolls, I would have expected them to be higher quality with tiny detailed accessories. But maybe they are still aiming them at their target of 3-6 year olds?? Ok, enough negativity from me. :tongue:
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Don't like 'em, 'nuff said. *ducks the tomatoes*

I will say, as a doll collector, to anyone thinking of buying them, and wanting to redress them, those boots will be a monster to get off. The ankles are most likely not jointed, so they won't flex when trying to get the boots off, not without breaking the foot at the ankle. My suggestion would be to take an exacto knife to the back of the boot and make a nice slice down to as close to the heel as possible, taking care that you aren't cutting too deep and slicing the leg as well. You should be able to get the foot out that way.

It sucks to ruin the shoe, but I can't imagine how tough it was to get them on in the first place back at the factory. Yeesh.
I'm a little disappointed. I was hoping for something more along the lines like Monster High.:sadpony: Over on the arena they mentioned the possibility that these are prototypes. If they are hopefully will end up with dolls with more articulation and a bigger variety in clothing/makeup style.
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Yeah. . . I was kinda hopping that they would a little bit better. But, hey, on the plus side no overly giant heads unlike some fashion dolls have. Hopping they tone sown that intense pink hair that Fluttershy has; that tends to be a problem for her toys.

Once again with the toys based off of FiM, Rarity's toy version catches my eye first.

We'll see how they look in person.
Equestria Daily already said they have it confirmed that these are only prototypes. They don't match the animation so they'd have to be.

Good thing, too, because Hasbro can do better. They just look cheap.
Well, with all the stuff I've been meaning to buy, these'll probably fly past me (like 95% of G4 has, actually). I do have to say, though, Pinkie Pie looks awfully cute! :smilepony: If I do end up buying one of these, she'll definitely be the one I get.
I'm not a doll person, so these dont really catch my eye. There are these dolls at the moment being advertised on some of the kids channels my sister watches, novi stars I think they're called, and looking at the faces they kinda remind me of them. I wounder if the applejacks hat would fit the normal applejack? Probably not but if it did that'd be cool.
FYI these are prototypes. These are, in no way, the final products.

These also are based on what the characters will be like at the end of the movie. There's already a lot of people saying "oh this can't be real since they have wings and pony ears and tails" but check out the official movie poster.


Same deal.
It'll be interesting to see what the final product will look like, from selling off a bunch of dolls for years little girls do love individual detail, accessories, and the ability to outfit dolls how they wish (and dolls having clearly different outfits).
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I'm not hating them entirely. Prototypes are always a little rough around the edges. Given that I'm a collector anyway chances are even if they remained like this I'd still pick them up.

They're pretty cute! My favorite is Pinkie. I might get her sometime.
i'll probably end up getting a set of them. I collect all brushable MLP stuff....and well, these fit into that category. I kind of hope the design stays the way they are.....just make their faces look better. lol I also hope they make a Sunset Shimmer doll. I mean, won't kids want the main bad guy for their play? :LOL:
Sorry.... all I have to say is UGH.
IDK I kinda like them. But the molded bodice looks kinda cheap. That reminds me of those budget Barbies with the molded bodices I find for sale at the supermarket.

If these dolls do become available I wonder which other doll lines their outfits will be "compatible" with.
I don't really like them... then again, I'm not really a doll person. I doubt I'll buy them.
Y'know, after looking at them again I'm with Skyrocketnekko on this, They kinda do look like McDonald's toys. That or very small-scaled toys. They don't really look like the 10-inch dolls you normally see in stores, they look more like 5-inch dolls or even smaller. Which kinda makes sense for prototypes.

Just, please, get Futtershy as close to accurate as possible, Hasbro.
Ugh. I'm unhappy with the whole EG thing, as a lifetime collector. And I'm even more disappointed about the dolls. I don't want even one set of them, let alone the cheap dolls in those pictures.

I'm just going to plug my ears and cover my eyes and go back to pretending EG isn't happening.