CJ Thimble Bright

Peeking around the corner at you
MLPTP Supporter
Apr 9, 2010
Lavender Letters says, "Now that the Big Fundraiser is successfully completed, it's time for MORE GAMES!!"


:tex: Never Have I Ever - PONY EDITION :chief:


:coolpony::blink::coolpony: RULES: :coolpony::blink::coolpony:

This is a points accumulation game, so the more things you HAVE done, the more POINTS you earn, the closer to WINNING you get!​

  • Every 2 or 3 days a new "never have I ever" prompt will be posted.
  • Members will only have until the next prompt is posted to answer with their response. So check back frequently for your chance at the most points!
  • For a member's answer to count they must respond with a short (or long) answer of the situation, or theme. A short "yes/no", or "I have/have not" won't count for points. We want DETAILS!!
  • This game will run until the Mod Team is out of pony related prompts. (Y'all know how pony crazy and creative the team is, this could go on for a while...)
  • At the end of the game, points will be tallied and the members with the top 3 scores will win MYSTERY PRIZES! :shock:


Just follow this thread and respond to each prompt as they become available. Remember, if you don't get your answer in before the next prompt is given, you miss out on the points for the previous round!


Now get ready to PLAY and may the most Maniacal Pony Obsessed Collector win!


The first prompt will be posted: April 17th!


Scores will be finalized and the winners will get to choose from a G1, G2, G3, or G4 themed surprise prize!!
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***YAAAAWWWWWNNNN*** :sleepy::sleepy::sleepy::sleepy::sleepy:

Good morning everyone!! (In the present it is still morning @Gypsydancer ) Is it Wednesday yet...?

Hope y'all are ready to join in the BLOCK PARTY fun with the first prompt of Never Have I Ever - PONY EDITION!!!


Lavender Letters says, "Round ONE: Never have I ever ...gone to EVERY pony carrying store in my vicinity to find the pony I wanted."

(Answer example: Yes! I have done this at all the Targets in town just to find the 35th Anniversary release pony I was missing!)
Yes! To find the 35th anniversary Rainbow ponies back when they were new, I could never find them all at one place, I had to hop around to four or five different Targets in my area. I remember the last one I needed was Moonstone, and after I passed one up with mismatched body/neck issues, I found one who was perfect at one nearly an hour away.
Yes I have gone to every Walmart in my area looking for the large FS sea pony Rarity when they came out. Found one at the last store in the very back with help from two workers.
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Yes but a long time ago in 2004 when Toola-Roola was first released my sister and I when we were little we want the same thing So when Toola-Roola was first released we want 2 of them so to find to different Toola-Roola we look in KMart Wal-marts,Targets and even Toys "R" Us just to find two different versions of Toola-Roola and I still have my to this day
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